How You Meet |Felix|

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You where in the hospital as your parents had just died in a car accident and you only had minor injures. You refused to eat or do anything as you just saw your parents die in front of your eyes. They jumped in front of your to make sure you where going to be okay, but in the process they died protecting you. You where having an argument on where to have for lunch and you regret being mad at you didn't get to go where you wanted. You wanted nothing to eat till you had gotten a letter from a distant cousin of yours that live in Italy.

Dear [Y/N],

I know this is rough for you since your parents had just recently died. Then again you may come love with me in Italy when you are all better. First class and everything. Please consider coming as I know that You would want someone to comfort you. Please call me if you can so that way I will make the preparations for you to come.

Your distant cousin, Heidi

You look at the note and smile a little bit as you always wanted to go. Then again you sighed as you picked up your phone and called her and smiles as you told her you wanted to come and you needed to get away from where you where born and lived. She gladly had taken that offer. As some weeks had passed and you where now on the plane, in fact first class as she had wrote in the letter. You sat there looking at your phone and pictures of your parents and what not. You had fallen asleep and herd some noise saying that you where arriving in Italy.

"Well looks like I am going to have a new life here..." You muttered to yourself as you walked out and see someone who was so beautiful and you walked over. "Are you Heidi?" you asked.

"Yes I am. Come along then. We have much to talk about, and I must say you are so beautiful." she says as she pats your head and gets into the car.

"I'm beautiful? You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen...why have I never met you?" You asked as you where wondering as you never really herd of her. Little did you know she was a vampire.

As time had pasted and she was telling you about the rules in her home. You listened to most of it then again you just looked at her like she was nuts as she didn't want to just stay in her room and just wait until it as 'safe' to come out. You didn't understand why she was saying this and what was going on. You just wanted to sleep for a bit and then walking around the place. As soon as the care stopped you just got out of the car with out letting her finish.

"You need to wait for me because you need to meet...." Heidi was about to say something but you just slammed the door, though it was rude of you. You just didn't want to hear her talk anymore as you just needed some sleep since you had a head ache.

You just walked in with out any notice and you make turns to where you had no idea where you where going. You sigh as you had gotten lost and you turn around as you where scared. You herd someones food steps. You walked a little faster hoping you find someone to ask where your room is and you just was scared now as the place had gotten colder as you walked more and more. As soon as you where about to start running someone pined you to the wall.

"What do we have here, a lost human?" he asked as he looked at you with his red eyes not knowing that Heidi had brought you.

"Please let me go...I just want to go to my room. My cousin Heidi had brought me here to live...I am not intruding." you said shaking.

"She would never let a human into this place unless she was supposed to by Aro, Caius, or Marcus. Even then we all would have to know what you have looked like and such." the man said as he was about to sink his teeth into you.

"DEMETRI, LET HER GO" another man yelled as Demetri had dropped you and growls.

"What, I can't play with my food just a little bit Felix?" Demetri asked as he ran to him.

"Heidi did bring her, now be on your best behave." Felix yelled as he walks to you and held his hand out with a little smile. "Sorry about him, he gets protective over his mate." He says. "Felix"

"[Y/N]...and thank you for saving me....what are you....what is Heidi...." You asked as you took his hand and you where shaking.

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