Information |Aro| Part One

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You waited for a pretty long time and you had gotten all of your needs to keep you occupied for tonight. You walked around the room as everything happened so fast. Your parents just died without saying goodbye. You were now surrounded by vampires and at any moment they could kill you. You sat down and looked around the room for something to do. You spot a book and picked it up. "Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë"

"Might as well read something to pass some time," you said to yourself as you opened the book and began to read.

Some time had passed and you looked at the clock and it was almost 10 o'clock and you blinked. Then you heard the door open and it was Aro. You put down the book and put a placement so you wouldn't lose your place and walked up to him.

"I want answers right now." You said as you were angry about everything. You wanted to know what happened and what is going to happen.

"I see you have read the letter your parents had left me. I will tell you now that I do not know about them. I don't know what happened. That is a question for someone that I know. They are unavailable at this moment. I will let you know if they are or I can take you to them. For now, come with me to the meeting. We have a lot to discuss." Aro said as he opened the door for you and waited.

You nodded and rolled your eyes as you had a feeling that he may know but you didn't want to anger him. You followed him and looked around the place. It was cold and dark as there was not very much lighting. You sighed as you thought this was beautiful but it angered you that you had to wait for even more for answers. After a bit of walking, you had made it into a room where there was a lot of light. You could still smell the blood in the room and it almost made you gag.

"This is a human, why did you bring her here?" asked the man in blonde.

"First of all, I am not a human. I don't know what the heck I am. Two don't catch an attitude with me blondie." You said as a spark of redness came from your eyes.

Aro looked and blinked as he sat down and sighed. "Ciaus, control yourself. She is my mate. She also needs to be informed about the rules around here." He says.

Cauis looked and rolled his eyes as he sat back down and looked at you. "Her eyes are different from what we have seen before. What is she." He asked.

Aro looked into your eyes and nodded as he got back up and speeds to you. You were still angry and you still had the red eye look.

"What rule and I still don't believe that I am your mate. I don't care what you are or who I am. I just want my parents and I want to know what they are and what they have done for me. I know that they are wizards but what am I?" You asked as you were frustrated and angry at everyone and everything.

"I know you are angry but calm your mind. We are here to talk to you about our rules. First, we must inform you that we are vampires and you, in fact, are still human. Some here can not control their lust for blood so you must stay in my room." Aro says as he turns and goes back to sitting on his chair.

"You also must be turned into a vampire. Perhaps right now Aro?" Ciaus asked as he looked at him.

"No, she needs time to heal and find herself before we turn her," Marcus says as he could feel the energy you were getting and the tension. He could also see that you and Aro did have a connection.

You rolled your eyes "Touch me and you are dead. I just want to know about my parents. I know someone or one of you will know. They sent you that letter Aro and I want to know." you said.

"Fine, if it makes you happy. Demetri." Aro yelled as Demetri had come and he looked like he was getting ready to have fun later that night.

"You called?" Demetri asked as he was in the middle of changing his shirt.

"Take this girl to Forks, Washington. Take her to the Cullens and leave her there until she finds answers. Then take her back." Aro said as he looked at You. "One scratch on her and you will be punished."

Demetri tries not to snap but he nodded. "Alright, come with me, Human." He said as he left to the door.

"Thank you." You said as you left to follow Demetri and looked. "How are we getting there." You asked.

Demetri looks and picks you up. "Like this." He said as he speeds to the airport as the Volturi's has a privet jet.

You held on to your life as you never had this ever happen to you. You sigh as you liked it. The wind in your hair, the speed. Though you desperately longed for what your parents are. You longed what you were. You knew you were not normal and not a human but refused to ask your parents. You had arrived at the airport and went into the jet and you looked at him.

"I am sorry if I bothered you," You said as you looked down.

"I will accompany you there. Just don't get yourself injured along the way" Demetri said as you and he was making your way to knowing what your parents were.

There is going to be a Part Two!!

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