The announcement

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"Hey! Watch were you are going Stilinski!" Lydia growled upwards towards him picking up her AP biology books.
"Well if u were paying attention you would have noticed me walking out of the classroom!" Stiles snapped back. The finale bell rang and the two of them scowled at each other before heading in opposite directions. Stiles
walked up to his jeep were his best friend Scott was waiting for him. "Hey buddy why are you looking like that?"
Stiles says with a frown. "Maybe it's got something to do with a certain annoying little strawberry head." Scott just rolls his eyes at the statement knowing full well it was Lydia. Scott has been stiles best friend since he can remember and he also knows that stiles and Lydia have been at each others throats for the same amount of time. " I hate her Scott, hate her!, like seriously I hat-"
"Yh yh stiles I know you hate her you remind me every time I see you. So can we please just get into your jeep and get back to yours so we can play halo?" Stiles didn't even answer stopping
towards the car door and closing it with a slam before driving out of the school car park.
Lydia slumps down into the chair opposite from Allison and Kira in the library. The two girls in front of her both turn to each other with a smirk on their faces and simply say at the same time "stiles." Lydia looks up from her books towards them with an angry look in her eyes. "God I hate that annoying asshole so much, I wish he never existed!(giving out a huff) And the worst part is that now that my mom and his dad are dating I have to see him everyday, that smug little face I'd personally liked to punch it." Well that wasn't the only thing she wanted to do with it sometimes but Lydia would never admit to the small want in the back of her mind. The girls just look at her with a small smile. Lydia feels a buzz in her pocket, she pulls her phone out.
Mom: Hi honey don't forget to be at the Stilinski's house for 6:30 me and Noah need to talk to you and Stiles xx
Lydia: Is it really that important that I have to go? X
Mom: YES! Now don't be late. Xx

A few hours later
Ding. Dong. "Stiles get the door." His dad asked from the kitchen. The boy looked over to Scott who was still in the zone before nudging him to stop playing and pack his stuff up. Stiles walked over to the door opening it to be faced with the most beautiful girl he knows. Even though he would never tell her that himself or anyone else for that matter. "Well are you going to let me in or what Stilinski?" The red head smirks. "Nope gunna let you freeze to death on my porch." Firing back with his own cheeky grin. In which Lydia felt a little tingling sensation in her stomach afterwards. Then simply barging past him and plopping her self on the couch well saying her hello to Mr Stilinski. Stiles then greeted Lydia's mom with a kind smile before shutting  the door.
After the meal the two teens sat in silence while their parents brought the plates into the kitchen. Upon their return Lydia noticed how the both of them looked slightly nerves. Noah broke the silence with a cough before continuing "um, now kids you know how me and Natalie have been dating for a while now and things have been going great for us... well there is something we would like to discuss with the both of you." Stiles turned to Lydia then to Natalie, then finally back to his father with a confusion on his face. He continued "now when you've been with someone for a long time they usually end up... they normally they-" Natalia abruptly interjects "we are moving in" Both Lydia and Stiles mouths drop open. Neither of them able to contemplate what had just been said to them. Moving in here, living together, under the same roof. No.
When Miss Martin and her daughter get home the first thing Lydia does is run upstairs and ring Kira and Allison over face time. "Wait let me get this straight you and Stiles are going to be living in the same house?" Allison asked "yes." Lydia simply replies. Kira then speaks "like across the hall from each other only a few feet away from each other?"
"No Kira we were planning on sharing a bed." Lydia says back in a sarcastic tone. "I wouldn't mind sharing a bed with him he is pretty hot."
"Ew! No! Stiles? Personally I don't see it." Kira says scrunching up her face to Allison remark. "Kira your gay you think every boy is gross." This was very true even before Kira came out Lydia knew she didn't like boys, she never payed attention to them. So when she came out and stated she had a girlfriend it came as no shock. But Lydia's mind wonders to thinking what it would be like to share a bed with the boy. To have him so close, bodies accidentally brushing up against each other, lips meters away from hers, his lips on hers, her neck, her collar bone, her chest, her boo- No! She snapped out of it trying to get back into the conversation.
"Scott what am I going to do, she's going to be sleeping across from me?"
"Dude come on it's not that bad." Scott replies through the phone. "Yes. Yes it is ok. She is my worst enemy Scott, I hate her, You would never tell Clark Kent it wasnt that bad to live with Lex Luthor!" Scott Just smiled. "Yh but Lex Luthor isn't merely as hot as Lydia Martin." Stiles was taken back thinking of the girl. So pretty, so smart yet agonisingly annoying. But he wondered maybe he could figure this girl out. Maybe he could understand why she annoys him so much or maybe why he feels she should annoy him more than she actually does because when he looks into her incredible green eyes he can never remember what they were arguing about in the first place.

 The boy across the hall - stydiaWhere stories live. Discover now