Why can't I stop thinking about you?

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*beep* *beep*

Stiles with a small groan moved to his side so he could slam his hand down over his Yoda alarm clock. Last night the boy barley gotten any sleep all he could think about was the girl sleeping across the hall from him. But why? Why was it her? What is so special about her? He couldn't think straight getting up and walking to his closet wear he found his black skinny jeans and a white and black flannel to match.

Lydia was in her own room Finishing off applying her lipstick. Her eyes following the trail of the deep red only to then start to day dream about a certain mole covered boys lips. Sighing at the thought she quickly finished up and grabbed her bag.

Both of them as if by fate opened the doors at the same time quickly pausing to look at the other one. Lydia noticed how Stiles eyes drifted to her lips and back to here eyes again. She was the first to snap out of it heading to the stairs, were he followed behind. "Hey Lydia seeing as we both go to the same school and all, do you want me to give you a ride." The boy says with and awkward smile. No.No.No."ok" damn it Lydia she thinks to here self why would you say yes? They both head out the jeep parked out side, Lydia jumps into the passenger seat. "OW! What the hell?" She says picking up a single earring and dangling it in stiles face. "Whoops, sorry Malia likes a good old fashioned rough car make out session." Explaining the boy, starting the car. "Ew! Gross, I didn't need to know that asshole."
"Oh come on strawberry head your telling me you've never had a hard core make out session in a car before?" Lydia doesn't answer just looks at the ground. Stiles goes wide eyed. "Really never?" She turns back to look at him as the start to pull into the school car park. The jeep stops. "No stiles I haven't ok, you know I haven't had a boyfriend and you know no guys has ever actually wanted to kiss me in or out of a car before!" Hers eyes start to water but she keeps her eyes on him."do you wanna try?" Before she can answer there a massive boom on the bonnet and they both turn their heads to see Malia gesturing Stiles out of the jeep. He turns to look at her but she has already gotten out and slammed the door.

Lydia strutted down the hall in her high heels and not paying attention, she bumped into somebody dropping her books. She went to pick them up as an extra pair of hands went down to help her. Lydia looked up to see a boy a very Hansom one at that. "Thanks, I'm Lydia." He smiles at her softly.
"I'm aiden." The both stay smiling at each other until the bell goes and lydia heads for her history class she sits down next to Allison.

The class is nearly over when the teacher stops writing on the board and gets their attention. " okay class for you project you will be working in pairs turn around to meet them. Allison turned around with a smirk to see it was stiles he was just simply looking at Lydia, who rolled her eyes and then met those of her partner Aiden. " looks like I get to be with the prettiest red head on the planet." Aiden smirks. Stiles catches Lydia's awkward chuckle and blurts out without thinking "her hair is actually strawberry blonde!" Giving Aiden a scowl. Both Lydia and Allison were shocked by the remark and Aiden simply frowned.

Lunch time rolled around pretty quickly and Lydia was still confused to why Stiles had to correct Aiden. Heck she didn't even know he knew her real her colour. Strutting towards Allison in the lunch hall her eyes fell upon the boy who has his lips rapped around Malias too busy in the moment to notice her sit down on the table behind them. Lydia felt sick, she didn't understand why though? She can't be jealous she keeps telling her self but some how she finds herself feeling that way. Whilst in a world of her own she didn't notice Aiden take the seat the next to her."hey Lydia..." waving a hand in front of her face, "everything alright?"
"Hmm?...oh I'm fine don't worry just thinking that's all."she gives him a smile."good" as all he replies with and a sweet laugh to go with it that some how stiles was able to pick up. His eyes locked onto the pair, anger filling up his body. Jealous how could he be jealous? Just a second ago he had his tongue stuck down Malias throat and now what he's jealous Lydia's laughing and flirting with some guy? However his stare lingers long enough for Malia to catch onto to it, she follows his eye line to see the read head (in her mind because she doesn't really care that she's actually strawberry blonde). "Stiles why the fuck are you staring at her?" She asks with a growl.
" what? I'm not staring at her it's just... I don't like that guy!"
angered by his comment" The only reason you don't like him is because you know that he will get into her pants before YOU do!!" He was outraged, He knew Lydia would never be the type of girl to just drop her panties to anyone that asks, not like Malia anyway. "What the hell did you just say?" He glares towards her with his voice getting louder."you heard me that little slut will probably have fucked him by tomorrow morning" Malia smirks. In pure rage he snaps his plate in half and everybody goes to look at him. He glances at Lydia who is looking right into his eyes then back to Malia. "We're done." He's states slowly getting up and walking out leaving Malia pissed. Lydia turns to face Allison "I'm gunna go after him." Getting up and heading in the same direction Stiles went.

 The boy across the hall - stydiaWhere stories live. Discover now