Kisses all round

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One week later:

The were all sat at the lunch table Scott next to Allison, Kira next to them on the end and on the other side was Stiles next to Lydia and Aiden. Lydia and Aiden had gotten close while doing their project and there was no doubt that Aiden had a crush on Lydia. But her feelings only grew more for Stiles, unknown to her vice versa. "So what's everyone doing tonight wanna hangout at mine and watch a movie?" Scott asked everyone agrees but Kira. "Sorry guys but I have to... study sorry." Allison and Lydia look at her suspiciously before Malia walks up to the table. Everyone looks at her in confusion. She turns to Kira, " oh hey just to let you know to be at mine for 6:30 ok." And with a smile she walks off. They all turn to look at her. " studying huh?"
"Ok, ok I'm staying at malias tonight. We got talking last week and have been hanging out abit." Allison has a grin on her face." So are you to a thing now have you guys been making out behind our backs?" Kira looks at stiles who's seems to be looking at Lydia. Then she snaps back at the brunette " I'm not you and Scott." Both Lydia and Stiles mouths drop "WHAT?!" They both shout in confusion making most of the hall turn around and look at them. Allison just chuckled " you really didn't know we've been hanging out for like a week after we made out in Stiles room."
"Ew! That's what you guys were doing in their?"
"Sorry bud." Scott says blushing." Anyway for those of you who aren't traitors be at mine for 7."Kira simply rolls her eyes walking off.

Kira had been early to Malia's, knocking on the door for it to be opened to a goddess, malia was wearing really short shorts and a tight vest shirt. Kira lick her lips. "My rooms upstairs on the left im just going to go get some food." Kira waltzed up the stairs to Malias room where she quickly got changed into her lacrosse shorts and a tight t-shirt. Then malia came up with pizza and snacks. Kira noticed Malias lingering stare at her but thought nothing of it.

Meanwhile Scott and Allison were setting up his place. "Ally I really don't think we need like twelve blankets."
"Fine but if it gets cold I'm using you as a body warmer."
"Fine by me hot stuff." Allison rolls her eyes. The door bell goes and Allison races to the door to find Stiles trailed by a Lydia. "We figured I'd pick her up seeing as there really isn't any point taking two cars." With that they walked in and plopped on the sofa. "Were's the boyfriend then"Stiles asks.
"I don't have a boyfriend you dumbass and secondly Aiden couldn't make it."
"Shame." It rolls off his tongue in an extremely sarcastic way.
" what is your problem your sounding like you're jealous or something." She says getting closer to him. Scott decides to stay in kitchen and Allison goes off to call and check on Kira, not wanting to get in the middle of the fight. Stiles doesn't respond and just looks at the floor. "Oh my god you are jealous aren't you?"
"What no! He's just a jackass that's all."
"You don't even know him asshole!" Her voice getting louder. They both look at each other in anger. Stiles trying to hold back the urge to kiss Lydia right now. All they did was sit there looking at one another in silence.

Allison went into the down stairs bathroom and faced timed Kira who was sitting pretty close next to Malia on the bed talking. " hey is it ok I take this."
"Sure." Kira gets up and walks over to the other side of Malias bedroom. " hey Al what's up how's everything going?"
"Not great, within five minutes of getting here Stiles and Lydia are already arguing like an old married couple, so... what about you how's it going so far?"
"Pretty good we are just chilling."
"So you're not going to make a move then?" At that Malias head shot up and Kira could feel her eyes burning into her skull. "W-what do y-you mean?"
" oh come on Ki don't give me that bull shit, we all know you have a massive crush on her plus remember that dream you told us about were you tear  Malias shirt right of her in pe and started to-"
"Bye ally!" Kira slammed the phone onto Malias draws. She couldn't look at the girl, she was too embarrassed. "So you like me?" Kira still couldn't look at her."n-no" she lied.
"Too bad I was really looking forward to you tearing my clothes off." Kira shot up looking at malia in confusion. She saw the cheeky grin across Malias face. "Is is this a joke?" Malia got up from the bed and walked over to Kira, taking her hand an guiding her back to the bed. " oh honey I never joke about sex." Sex? Kira thought this can't be reall? Malia slowly leant in and kissed Kiras lips, her hands grabbing the asian girls waist pulling her closer. Finally after contemplating it she kissed Malia back, throwing her arms around her neck and opening her mouth for the girl. The kiss started off soft and sweet but then it was full of lust and want. Malia pushed Kira on the bed. She put a leg on either side of Kira and started to kiss her jaw, then her neck and with that she stoped and pulled away. Anxiety starting to fill Kira. But then Malia crossed her arms and grabbed the bottom of her vest shirt and removed it leaving her in a purple laced bra."better than your dream?" Malia said with an eyebrow hitched. Kira reached up while rolling her eyes and pulled the girl back down to her by the back of the neck into another amazing kiss. Rolling around the bed eventually Kira was on top of malia naked and smiling. "This is going to be so much better than my dreams." With that she leant back down to the brunette.

Allison got off of the phone and walked back into the living room where scott was on one sofa and a very pissed off Stiles and Lydia were on the other. She sat next to her man cuddling up to him flinging the blanket over them both. "Are they ok?" Allison whispered.
"Yh they just had one of there moments again". He went down and kissed Allison, it started to get heavy. " could you guys stop we're trying to watch a movie?" Came from the other couch from stiles. Then he turned back to the screen.

The room was getting colder and Lydia shuffled closer to stiles trying to get warm. He noticed and mimicked for her to come and sit right up against him. She did and then she had this feeling like she was at home. He felt it too.

The credits started to roll and everyone one was asleep but Stiles. He glanced down at a peaceful Lydia raped around him. The boy couldn't help but smile to himself. Slowing getting up he rushed to the bathroom to pee. When coming back he was stumped to find an awake Lydia looking confused. " I thought you left?"
"No just need a piss." He said returning to the sofa. "Ew! Asshole didn't need to know that.
"You asked strawberry head." He got closer to her, rapping her in his arms and pulled her down to lay next to him. There faces were inches apart, eyes locked on the others. Fuck it Stiles thought he leaned into Lydia. His lips were soft on hers and she moved her hand to cup his cheek while his hands went to her waist pulling her closer. Stiles parted his lips letting her tongue glide across his. The kiss was passionate and full of feeling. Feelings they weren't able to say to each other yet. Out of breathe Lydia pulled away first " I knew you were jealous."
"Maybe just a little.
"your so annoying you know that?" Slapping his arm playfully. "Yh but that's what you love about me." Smiling at her with bright eyes. "I guess so." Reciprocating the same smile. They fell asleep in each others arms.

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