Chapter 10

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Don was late, he was trying to get home to his fiance' but he couldn't get a cab and he didn't want to battle the subway during that time of day, so he decided to walk. He knew Meryl was preparing dinner, which was something new, so he didn't want to be late. Ever since their trip to Maine Meryl had taken up cooking. She might not have been very good yet, but she enjoyed cooking for Don. Don loved everything she made, he thought she was a fabulous cook even though she didn't believe him.

He decided to cut through an alley to try and get home faster. As he rounded the corner he felt someone whack him over the head, when he fell, he felt several feet kicking him in the stomach and chest, then he felt someone take his wallet and throw it back on him. He was dizzy, couldn't think, couldn't keep his eyes open. One word escaped from his lips: "Meryl." It was faint, but it was there.


Meryl splurged and made lobster for dinner with corn on the cob, a fruit salad, and salad. She had never boiled lobster before, but had little problems. She set the table, opened up a bottle of wine, and lit candles on the table. She would be starting her new movie soon, so she wanted to pamper Don while she could. The scene was set for romance and she couldn't wait to see his face. She checked on dinner and waited on him.


It was 7:00 and Don was over an hour late for dinner, it was so unlike him. They spoke on the phone hours earlier and he said he was leaving the studio and would be home no later than 6:00, but he wasn't there. She called the studio, not really expecting him to be there, and he wasn't. She was afraid something was wrong and went to get his address book so she could start calling his friends, but she didn't want to over-react. She didn't want to come across as the needy and demanding fiance', because she wasn't. The seconds ticked into minutes which ticked into an hour, still nothing from Don. At 8 she finally decided to call her brother and some of his friends but no one had heard from him. She contemplated calling the hospitals, but this was New York, and she had no idea where to start. She sat impatiently by the phone, staring at the door, willing him to either walk through the door or call. She couldn't get past the feeling that something was wrong. At 8:30 the phone finally rang. Meryl picked it up before it even completed it's first ring: "DON!" She said, and her heart dropped when it wasn't him.

"No, Meryl, it's Jane." His mother said on the other end of the phone.

"Oh, Jane, I'm sorry. I have been expecting Don." She didn't want to place undue worry on Don's mother.

"That is why I am calling, dear. Don was mugged earlier this evening and is in the hospital." His mother told her.

Meryl thought she stopped breathing for a second. She felt that everything was going perfectly, and now the rug was being pulled out from under her. She felt hot tears cascading down her face. No, not Don, not her Don.

"Meryl?" His mother asked when she didn't say anything.

"I'm here, how, how is he?" She choked.

"He has a concussion and several broken ribs. I gather he is pretty beaten up but he will be just fine." Jane told her future daughter-in-law.

"Why didn't the hospital call me? The police?" Meryl asked furious. "I have been here all night waiting for him, if I would have known... Did they not call the number on his license? He shouldn't be alone." She cried.

"He was knocked out and is still asleep, so he couldn't call; and you weren't on his emergency contacts list, I was. They can't release information to people not on the list. I gave them your name and you can get in to see him. We are staying here. I know you will take good care of my son." Jane explained.

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