Chapter 11

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It was the day before their wedding, and Meryl and Don were trying to pack up. It was a little over two weeks since Don was attacked, and he was healing much slower than he had anticipated. He had hoped that he and Meryl would be making love by now, but neither of them wanted to push it, because he wanted to be in the best shape possible for their wedding day and wedding night. He and Meryl were in the bedroom packing as they were leaving for Connecticut just as soon as they were ready.

Don was reaching up to grab his nice blue shirt for the wedding, causing excruciating pain. "DAMN IT!" He yelled doubling over in pain.

Meryl was in the bedroom packing and ran in. "Babe, come sit down." She said leading him to the bed and kneeling down in front of him. "Just take a deep breath." She said as she rubbed his legs.

"This is fucking ridiculous! I can't even pack for my own wedding." He was frustrated after dealing with this for over two weeks.

Meryl felt for him. He was so limited in what he could do because of his broken ribs. He wasn't able to work, it was hard for him to shave, and they weren't even able to make love, which was something she knew bothered him more than it did her.

"Baby, it is just going to take time. The doctor said it could take months to heal, and you need to be careful so you don't puncture a lung or do more damage." She pointed out.

"Yeah, I know." He said deflated.

"Hun, maybe we shouldn't get married." She told him.

Don looked up at her shocked. "What? You don't want to marry me?" He asked devastated, tears welling up in his eyes.

Meryl realized she didn't word it right. She knew he was in pain and tired, not a good combination. She sat next to him on their bed and took his head in her hands and turned his face to hers, touching her lips to his. She crushed his lips to hers immediately sucking his tongue into her mouth. They stayed like that for some time, just exploring one another's mouths until she pulled away. "Did that feel like I don't want to marry you?" She asked running her fingers through his hair.

"No, but you said we shouldn't get married. What happened? Did I do something?" He was still freaking out.

"I didn't say it right. I want to marry you more than anything in this world, you know that." She smiled.

"I'm sorry, you scared the shit out of me. What did you mean?" He asked.

"I meant that maybe we shouldn't get married tomorrow. You are still in alot of pain." She pointed out.

"No, we have been so excited. Looking forward to this wedding and planning it with you is what has gotten me through this past week. If we postpone then it is like those fuckers have mugged me, mugged us, all over again. Besides, you wanted to get married soon, I do too." He said.

"I still do, what I want more is for you to completely heal. I would never forgive myself if you pushed it because of me and became hurt or ill. Your health is more important to me than anything. I would never do anything to jeopardize that." She said as she teared up.

"Nothing will happen to me. I will be careful, I won't over do it. I will even take my pain medication when I need it. This is so important to me, I don't want to reschedule. Will you please marry me tomorrow, just as we had planned?" He asked.

Meryl looked at him and smiled. "Will you let me worry and fuss over you? And will you promise to take it easy?" She asked.

"Yes." He smiled.

"Let's become Mr. and Mrs. Gummer!" She exclaimed kissing him. "Don, I want this more than anything in the world, I was, I am, just worried about you."

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