Jeff: You… you… you B-
Me: JEFF! Calm down right now or I will kill you right NOW!
Jeff: And just what can you do to me kid?! Turn me into a dog?
Me: *types on the computer* yes actually!
Ren: You deserved that.
Jeff: *growls*
Me: Sit and stay mutt. Let’s get onto the next chapter.
Chapter 9
I was tied to a chair by tightly wound ropes and handcuffed; but that didn’t stop me from screeching.
“JEFF HELP! PLEASE HELP ME JEFF I NEED YOU,” I scream at the concrete ceiling. I was in an underground facility, picked by Jane just to torture me in. I felt wind blow across my face. I knew he was here, something from outside was now inside. “JEFF THIS WAY,” I screeched loudly! He was bounding down the hall TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! I blink and he is in front of me. Face to face with him I remember what he is doing here. I brought him to his death. I am no better than Jane, I insulted myself. He looks me in the eyes with a knowing look.
“I came here to save you and you repay me by getting me killed? How could you Jane?” My eyes bulge at his words and I look down. I was in the body of Jane, I was Jane. I scream as I sit up in bed. Jane came rushing into the room at my voice.
“Are you alright? I heard you scream,” she stats quickly. I nod and pull my knees to my face. “You don’t want to kill him do you?” I shake my head.
“No, he hurt me, he killed me, and he killed my family. Now it’s his turn,” I say stoically. She nods.
“Then let’s get ready; get dressed. I have to get you into character,” she says devilishly! She left the room leaving me in the dreadful silence. Do I really want to kill him? Is it really worth it? If he dies then the devil gets my soul… it just seems wrong, I think doubtfully.
The dressing went by in a blur; I was dressed in my usual attire; dark skinny jeans with purple tank top. I was in the forest, the forest that the Creepypasta Cabin was in. I was running, from what I don’t know. I ran, faster, faster, faster, faster. I screamed as I fell and twisted my ankle. It bent in an awkward direction and burned like a hot iron was pressed against it. I screamed again as Jane appeared and twisted my foot more and more. I heard the bones crackle and crumble.
“AHHHH! HELP ME,” I scream. I kicked Jane in the stomach and began scooting away. She winked at me and smiled her saw toothed grin. Suddenly a white blur came speeding past me and into Jane. She was sent tumbling across the grass as the blur slammed into her.
“Come on little girl! GET UP AND FIGHT,” I heard the blur scream. It smashed into her again and again and again. I leapt from tree to tree, from bush to bush, from blade of grass to blade of grass. It moved faster than even I could. It was unimaginable. “GET UP! FIGHT ME! WHAT'S WRONG? SCARED OF YOUR OWN SHADOW! OR IS THE FACT THAT I KILLED YOUR WHOLE FAMILY?” I gasp, it was Jeff. This wisp in the wind was Jeff. I had never seen him move so fast, nor had I ever heard him talk like that. I grunted as I suddenly remembered the pain in my ankle. I look down; it was now bent back into place. This was part of the plan. Because I was a demon I could regenerate bone and skin quickly as long as it was in the correct place. I would heal my ankle, catch Jeff by surprise and kill him. I felt my bones repositioning themselves in my ankle and melting back together. I rose from the ground as my memories of him passed through my mind. I lost him when I was normal, now here he was once again back in my life. We were the best of friends, but those two kids are gone, now it’s us and only us. He is all I have; no one could take his place. And I’m not about to try to clear that space by killing him, I thought as a decision went through my head. I stood on the once broken ankle now fully healed and walked toward Jane. The blur that was Jeff now circled around her in a flurry of metal luster as he stabbed her repeatedly. “DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIIIIIIIIIEEEE,” he screamed as he struck her faster and faster! Her white skin was covered in red gashes were the knife had penetrated the skin. I walked slowly, feeling the wind from Jeff’s speed. It blew my hair as if a hurricane was brewing in the sky. I reached out to the blur.
“Jeff, MOVE,” I yell and throw him away by his shoulder. He was broken from his fit of rage by my grasp and gasped as he flipped and skidded across the ground. (Ren: I said I wouldn’t kill him; never said anything about not punishing him. Jeff: That really hurt you know! Ren: Good; and yes that was the idea.) Jane looked up at me with a pleading gaze.
“You could have killed why didn’t you? YOU STUPID GIRL,” she screamed! I didn’t respond. All I did was, reach out my hand. It was covered in black tar like goo. Her eyes widened at my stoical gaze. I could tell my eyes were no longer their normal electric blue, but now a deep, demonic, solid, soulless black. It was the gaze of the devil, a skill only I could perform.
“You poisoned my mind, told me he should suffer, told me he hurt me, told me he should DIE; now it’s your turn to feel our combined pain,” I speak, my voice a deep demonic grumble. I placed my hand on her fore head and the ooze ran down her face and into her eyes and mouth. I entered her mind, I was one with her. I could see her memories; I could feel her guilt, her pain, her lust, her regret. I was in a forest, much like the one outside her mind. A form crouched in the center, its face in its knees. I walk over to the form and it turns to me. It was Jane; but much younger, and she looked like a normal 7 year old girl. Suddenly an apparition of Jeff came soaring past and wrapper her in a veil of white clouds. When the clouds cleared the Jane I knew stood before me. I closed my eyes and dashed away from her. She looked at me and smiled a genuine smile.
“I’m glad you’re here, now I can show you the real me,” she said devilishly and backed away slowly. Her words bounced off me like rubber bullets, I was not in her world; I was in our world. And I am the dominant force here!
“You have no idea who you are dealing with. Unlike you, I can accomplish the Devil’s Gaze, while all you have parlor tricks, smoke and mirrors, and mere rabbit in the hat illusions.” I opened my eye to see the grass around me had turned a sickly black. I raised my hand and in it floated a small, dim, black point of light no larger than a star in the sky. I pulled my hand back, and threw the light at her. It whistled through the air like a bullet and entered her throat. No puncture wound was left behind; it hadn’t broken the skin, merely become one with it. Where it had hit was a small black dot, almost like a tattoo. I clenched my fist and the dot began to grow; vines as black as night imprinted themselves across her skin like living tattoos. They moved, entangled, wrapped, and wove across her skin covering her in vine shaped tattoos. “Your body is now my weapon. Feel the pain you have put me through; feel the pain you have brought to others. May their blood drip from your wounds because you are a soulless, lifeless, worthless demon! I only have one thing to say to you; die, you son of a bitch,” I stated demonically as I spread my fingers. The tattoos suddenly came to life and ripped from her skin. Real, black vines ripped through her snow white skin and tore at her organs. She was a living plant now, destined to dwell forever within her own mind. Condemned to darkness; condemned to sadness; condemned to death.

Through the Eyes of a KIller
RomanceDiana, a normal girl until a person from her past does something he shouldn't have. Now she is back for vengeance. But... will that be what she gets? Or will she get something better?