Sicily [Chapter 15]

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Written through Willow's point of view.

Ben laughs. I don't know why, though. Mathis must have said something, when I wasn't paying attention.

"Hi kids," My head snaps up, I see a curly (pink) haired woman standing in the doorway. She's cute. If Ben didn't exist, I would go for her.

"Sicily," Ben grinned, giving er a quick hug, "This is Willow."

She offers me a styrofoam cup and a warm smile. I return the smile, but not as bright. I take a hesitant sip, I smile, it tastes so good! I dip the spoon in.

"Mmm, Everything I've ever heard about hospital food is wrong."

"Actually," Ben states, "Sicily made it." I stop mid-bite to look at me.

"I thought only chefs and moms could cook. This is good," i say. It sounded so much better in my head. I realized after that it sounded weird.

She gives the soup to Ben and Mathis a cup.

"She has eight siblings; you bet she can cook," Ben goes on, not letting it go.

"Ben," She says. he laughs and messes with her hair.

"Willow's right, this is amazing," Mathis says. "My name's Mathis."

"This one is for your mom," She tells me, holding out the other cup. I start crying.

"I-I'm so sorry," She stutters.

"It's alright," I shake my head, ignoring the tears that threaten to spill over my cheeks. I really want to just change the subject. before someone comes into the room (someone Sicily addresses as "Mami"), we've exchanged numbers. I like her. I think we could be friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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