Part One

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*after the Hobbit but before LOTR*

Aragorn and Legolas were journeying from Rivendell to Rohan and were passing through a small town, called Sador, East of the Gladden Fields, when they decided to stay the night.

"We had better stay the night here." Aragorn said, gesturing to an inn. Legolas nodded in agreement and followed Aragorn. They walked to the desk where the innkeeper sat and asked for two meals and a room. The innkeeper nodded and Aragorn handed him a few coins. Then, Legolas and Aragorn sat at a table in the back and the maid brought them a meal.

"If ya need anything else, just let me know." She smiled and walked away, leaving two plates of steamy food on the table. Aragorn dug into his food gratefully. The hot meal tasted wonderful.

Legolas smiled back, "Thank you." He watched Aragorn immediately start eating with slight amusement before starting on his own meal.

Across the room, two figures watched Aragorn and Legolas carefully. When Aragorn and Legolas went to their room, the figures followed them. Aragorn locked the door and looked around the room. It consisted of a table, two chairs, and two beds. He sat down at the table when a knock sounded at the door. Legolas was still at the door, so he reached for the handle and slowly unlocked and opened it.

The two figures stood in front of the door. One was wrapped in a grey cloak and one was wrapped in a dark blue cloak. They both had hoods concealing their faces. "May we come in?" The grey cloaked figure asked. From the voice, Legolas could tell the figure was male.

His face morphed into a quizzical expression, "Um...what do you want?" Legolas asked them.

The grey-cloaked Man unsheathed a knife and quickly put it to Legolas' neck.

"Let's go inside, shall we?" The dark blue cloaked woman, as the voice betrayed, suggested menacingly. Legolas blinked in surprise, but quickly agreed with a blade to his neck. He never even saw the knife coming! "Lead the way!" the woman commanded and the man pushed Legolas into the room. Legolas glared at him, but stayed quiet. Inside, he was seething! Aragorn and him always seemed to attract trouble no matter what.

Aragorn looked very startled. "What do you want?" He asked, trying to keep himself calm.

"What are you two doing here?" The man asked seriously.

"Why is it your business to know?" Legolas answered sharply.

"Well, that's none of your," empasis on your, "business." The man sarcastically said, "As it is, we have the upper hand. Answer the question."

"This is ridiculous. We were just passing through." Legolas huffed.

"On your way to what?" The man persisted.

"No You asked what we were doing here." Legolas pointed out, getting ready to rip the heads off the stupid humans, "I answered your question."

"Did I? Well, now there is a new question, so ANSWER IT!" The man practically yelled.

Legolas looked to Aragorn, letting him decided what to say. Aragorn sighed, trying to concoct a believable story. "Fine. We were just on our way to a town to visit some of my relatives."

Legolas caught on right away to Aragorn's plan, "I was escorting him there." He confirmed.

The man looked skeptically at them, "I don't believe that. It's a lie concocted to save your life."

Legolas looked shocked, but quickly concealed it, "Wait, you're going to kill us?"

The man rolled his eyes, "I might if you keep lying. Now, tell me the truth."

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