Chapter IX

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"I bought the cutest dress yesterday!"

"For tomorrow?"

"Of course! What else would it be for?"

Stacey was greeted by Kate and Donna's conversation with a start when she set her foot in the café. She slid into her usual spot in front of the counter and rested her chin in her hands, intently staring at the two waitresses with a quizzical look.

"Dress?" she questioned.

"You would love it!" Donna said excitedly. "It's yellow, just a bit above my knees... Oh! And it has these adorable sandals to go with it!"

"Donna loves shopping," Kate chuckled. "But then again, who doesn't?"

"I don't mean to brag, but... I look great in it," Donna cooed with a wink. "It's just my style and colour. When I was buying it yesterday, the cashier told me that she loves it, and that she thinks I'd look great in it. And they're always right, right?"

"Isn't it supposed to be, 'The customer's always right'?" Kate asked.


"What's the dress for?" Stacey inquired curiously. "Are you going on a date or something?"

"I wish," Donna laughed. "But remember I mentioned my birthday a few days ago? It's tomorrow."

"Is it?" Stacey raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Mhm. Tomorrow at seven at the All Star Nightclub, remember?" Donna said.

"I... do, now that you mention it," Stacey said slowly with a kind smile.

"Can't wait!" Donna squealed. "I really can't wait another day! But so help you, if any of you mention my age..."

"For God's sake, Donna, you're still young!" Kate rolled her eyes. She turned to Stacey and smirked. "She's turning thirty-two tomorrow."

"Hey!" Donna glared.

"That's not old," Stacey pointed out.

"You see?" Kate said, sending the flustered Donna a knowing look. "Even Stacey agrees. So just shut up about your age."

"I know it's not that old," Donna sighed. "But I'd much prefer to be in my twenties again..."

"Wouldn't we all?" Kate agreed. "I'm currently thirty-seven. I'll be forty in two years from November this year. It sucks. So consider yourself lucky."

"Guess I should," Donna mumbled. She turned to Stacey with a solemn grin. "You're lucky. You're still sixteen. I'd give anything to be a kid again."

Stacey bit her lip in embarrassment. "Don't be jealous. It's not like I have a simple, perfect life just because I'm sixteen."

"Kid's got a point," Kate nodded.

"Ah, well, this got depressing real fast!" Donna said brightly. "Tell me, now. What're you wearing tomorrow?"

"I'll probably just wear some jeans shorts and a tank top," Kate shrugged. "I may be thirty-seven, but I look great for my age." She posed dramatically and puckered her hot pink lips. Stacey giggled.

"Stace?" Donna asked.

"Oh... I don't know," Stacey said. "I haven't really... thought about it."

Of course she wouldn't, especially considering she completely forgot about Donna's upcoming birthday. Also because she was supposed to be with Jesse tomorrow around that time. And she didn't even have a good feeling about that club Donna so desperately wanted to hold her birthday at. Why should this be something to think about?

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