Cooling off

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" Hanna, wake up." A firm voice speaks. I feel a hand on my shoulder, shaking me slightly eager to bring me back to the lifeless world.

" Hanna, wake the fuck up!"

My eyes open, revealing my new prison. The same steal pillars, with puffs of smoke billowing out, and the ever-hungry growls of walkers, remind me this is my new home.

The metal gate opens swiftly, allowing us in the safety of dreadful walls. Men stand with guns hanging off their shoulders, as Negans truck abruptly stops.

Negans eyes narrow, as he notices I have not made an attempt to get out. "It's about damn time you get the fuck out of the damn truck, " he announces angrily.

I keep my eyes trained ahead, not moving, or caring to respond. My mind has shut down. My thoughts are like a puzzle box, all mixed up, with one another, creating a hazy picture.

Negan lets out a heavy sigh, seeing my emotionless form gaze out the windshield.

" I know, how hard it is, losing someone you love. That shit haunts you leaving a fucking emptiness that never seems to want to fucking leave. But sitting here in this damn truck won't change a damn thing. It won't bring Spencer back. "

My body reacts before my logic side can kick in. I lung at him, bringing my fist to collide with his jaw, sending his head back against his seat. My fists bang against his chest, as my tear ducts release water like a broken dam.

" How fucking dare you mention his name. You killed him and made me come back here. I hate you. I hate you!" I scream as the door behind me opens. A man yanks me by my hair away separating me from his leader.

The man places a gun at the back of my head while keeping me on my knees. My eyes stay glued to the gravel, hoping, my life would soon end.

The tip of Lucille lifts my chin, bringing my bloodshot eyes up to meet his amber ones. I see a look of concern flash in his eyes, for a moment, before turning cold once again.

" I know it's an emotional time for you losing someone you love, but I don't tolerate this kind of shit. Joey, take her to room 22. I think she needs to cool off. "

Joey clears his throat, as he lifts me up by my arm, careful to not hold me too tightly. I slowly raise up, placing my feet firmly on the hard ground. I brush the gravel off my knees, revealing small holes in them.

Negan brushes a loose stand out of my faces, sending goosebumps up my arm.
" Once you calmed the hell down, we need to have a chat. I have rules in place for my wives, and they must be fucking followed. Also, my favor will soon be collected. Joey, you stand outside that door, until I radio for you to bring her to me."

Joey nods, giving respect to his leather-clad leader.

" Yes, sir."

" What's room 22 ?" I whisper my voice cracking a little as I try to speak. Negan shifts on his feet as a smile spreads across his face.

"It's a place for you to calm down. Only a select fucking few get this room. You, my dear, won the Goddamn lottery. Get her out of here."

Joey opens the heavy doors to the sanctuary, allowing a rush of cold air to hit my face. The dark gray walls and dim lighting add to my despair. People look at me strangely, as we pass them doing their chores. We head up a long metal staircase, then came to a beautifully lit hallway. A glass chandelier hangs in the center, and soft carpet rugs line the floor.

" What is this place?" I ask in shock.

" Its Negans floor, only him and his wives, have access to it. "

" What's so special about room 22 ?"
Why does Negan think me being in this room will help me calm down?"

" I don't know, all I know is that I am to take you to it." I can tell he isn't allowed to say, so he keeps his mouth shut.

Door 22 is at the end of the hallway. He opens the door then pushes me inside. The cold dark room adds to my fear. I desperately try to open the locked door, but I crumble in defeat. My fists glide down the door, beating it in anger. I lean against the door, placing my head on my lap. Heavy sobs escape my lips, as my body trembles and shakes.

The lights came on, allowing me to take in the view. The room is empty. All white with padding aligning it, and soft carpet under me. I know this kind of room is probably soundproof and used to allow people to let out their anger.

Hours pass, leaving me to dwell on my thoughts. I lift my head glancing down at my blood stained hands. Spencer's blood is cacked on my skin. Death leaving his mark on me, like an iron. My hands clench in sorrow, as another wave of tears burns down my face like lava. Painfully trailing down to the floor, then shattering like glass.

What will my brother do when he gets back and finds me not there? I am sure Rick will tell him and he will come to accept my absence. I would give anything for his large arms to wrap around me.

Light creeps in from the open door behind me, casting a large shadow on the floor. " Negan told me to take you to your room, then escort you to him."

I push myself up, every muscle screaming at me to sit back down. I take my arm over my eyes shielding them from the light.

I hope this next room is a real one.

Negan's P.O.V.

My feet rest on my desk, as I glance at the video feed on my screen. Her small body stays in that position for hours as she cries. This creates a small amount of guilt in my black heart. I know she is angry, but when she gets over it, she will be fine.

Get over it, like you did with Lucille?

My inner voice challenges, as my eyes stayed glued to Hanna. I did get over it, I have a twisted way of doing it, but I did. The sooner she gets used to the idea of being mine the better.

I just need to make her feel more comfortable here, but how? Maybe she has some family in Alexandria, that could help me win her over if I bring that person here.
I grab my radio off my hip, bringing it up to my lips.

" Dwight, go to Alexandria and see if Hanna has any family there. It might make it easier for her to get in line with her new life. If she has motivation. "

The radio crackles, as Dwight's voice breaks through.

" I am on it. "

His prey .[Negan] Cover Done By @bes135Where stories live. Discover now