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Snow falls heavily upon the earth wrapping it in white. Layers of ice weigh down every tree making it bend to kiss the ground. The only sounds I hear are the sounds of walkers trudging through the white powder. Another rush of air stings my pink cheeks slowly etching away my smooth skin.

I love the cold and snow. It's so peaceful here, away from the hurry of the sanctuary. White clouds lisp from my mouth then disappear into the frosty air.  Negan is inside making a fire while I am out here enjoying the view. This little escape was a good thing for me to agree too. I needed to get away and escape the grasp of that terrible factory.

All it holds are negative memories for me to relive over and over. I hate to admit Negan was right taking here but I guess I have to do so. He may be an evil man but maybe deep down he does have a heart. At least he did when his wife was alive. I wonder what happens to make him so bitter? And I want to know Frankie was talking about with Negan that day in her room.  I have him alone presently maybe he will tone down the cruelty for the sake of the trip.

Or maybe this is his way of getting me alone so he can convince me that him giving me a baby is a solution to my problem.  Having a baby with him would require us sleeping together and I can't bring myself to even try.  For now, I can try to get to know him and maybe convince him to let me go. If I play them right, after this little vacation he might be persuaded to let me go home.

Going home is what I want right? I can't stay here and play his perfect wife role. He killed the man I love and caused me to lose my baby. So I know I am making the right choice. But then why do I feel like deep down it's not?

I honestly wish somebody would just tell me what I am supposed to do. I know to leave means putting everyone else I love in danger so I can't just escape without a good plan. On the other hand, I have so many questions about his past and why it has made him who he is.

A low growl draws my attention to a fallen down tree. The snow-covered walker is stuck under the heavy limbs with his head the only thing visible. Strands of the walker's hair are laying taught on the frozen ground. Each grey strand is laced with ice weighing even more on the poor creature's skull.

I carefully walk over making sure it is secured under that tree. My eyes scan the white ground seeing a thin branch I can snap to end its misery. I grab hold onto another tree then lift my legs over the thick branches of the down tree. My hand is already freezing and making my gloves wet is making it worse.

I press my left foot down onto the branch then pull with my right arm snapping the branch easily. I again lift my leg to clear the down the tree, when I feel a hand gripping my shoulder.

Long bony fingers dig into my skin causing my head to jerk in its direction. A massive walker covered in snow lunges it's snapping jaws at my face. The few teeth it has to poke out from its rotten gum line in a perfect row of death. I twist my body around then use all my strength to pus the walker off of me, but it's too large. Instead, it pushed me back into the heavy tree under me making my skull hit hard on the massive trunk of this tree. I hiss as pain radiated my skull, but I can't focus on it, this walker is about to have its desire.

Using my legs, I kick the walker in the face, unbalancing it enough I start to roll out of its reach, but my right boot gets clasped in the rotten creature stuck under the tree. His teeth begin to clamp hard into the heel, while the heavier walker struggles to grab me as well. Immense pain radiates my foot and soon I hear a loud snap, followed excruciating pain. I know what I have to do, and I hate to have to do it, but I need his help. My dry chapped lips part, letting out a blood-curdling scream. Icicles all over the forest plunge into the snow like knives, stabbing whatever maybe be under them.

His prey .[Negan] Cover Done By @bes135Where stories live. Discover now