Unexspected News

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It took Negan's men less than an hour to fully gather together on the main floor. Dwight, Simon, and Garret retrieved a few men from each outpost making the compound filled with more than 300 people. The ground floor only held about 150, so the other groups were spread out over the courtyard and stairs. Negan knows this show has to be his best performance yet, all of our lives are at risk if this fails. Ezekiel and Gregory need to know that betraying us will only end badly for them. Negan has to sell that point perfectly or we could lose this war.

Simon radioed a few minutes ago that they will be pulling up to the gates within the following hour. Negan decided not only to show his strength with his men but also in weapons. A small shipment of various guns, grenade launchers, and other deadly weapons will be here shortly after our guests arrive. Since our men are in place it's time to rally the wives.

As I make my way to the parlor I pass various laborers doing their chores. Negan gave strict orders that all the cleaning staff must have this place spotless before our guests arrive. I feel bad for them they all look so tired and I know some of them worked all night, so staying awake all morning is an arduous task.

Keeping my hands on the rail I begin my long track up the stairs. I have to lift my good foot, then carefully place my injured foot on each step. This place really needs an elevator, but I know that's not our top priority right now. Once I make it to the third level, I can finally see my destination in my sights.  My palms begin to sweet as I hurry to make sure the wives are notified of our role in this endeavor. I limp towards the door, then use both my arms to swing the double doors open.

All the wives are engaged in activities helping the long hours pass more pleasantly.  Some are playing cards, others are reading books, and Jasmin, of course, is drinking some wine. I never see her without alcohol in her hands, I guess that's her way of making her days more tolerable.

I move towards a small chair, eager to be off my foot. Once I am comfortable I decided to try and address the women.

" Everyone, may I have your attention please?"

Not one head turns my direction making me feel aggravated. Maybe I should try saying it more clearly? Frankie winks my direction and moves to the center of the room
bringing her fingers to her lips she whistles loudly, causing silence to fall in the room.

All eyes land me, encouraging me to say my rehearsed speech.

"  Negan is having some visitors arrive soon and he wants us all to be ready when they get here. I know we are normally only dressed up for Negan, but today we have to do so for a show of power. Negan must have his allies see how capable he is as a leader and that includes his wives, " I state clearly.

Jasmin taps her manicured nails on her wine glass as she looks at me with disdain.

" We get that he is having guests but we don't need you telling us what we need to do to prepare for them. We can handle putting on a little show for him without your little speech. Don't act like you care if we win this war or not. We all know you secretly want this place to fall so you can go back to your little group of weirdos, "  she sneers.

I should have expected her to react to me this way. I have hardly spoken to her and she always acts like I did something personally to offend her.

" Jasmin look, I don't know why you have a problem with me but it needs an end. I never came here to take anybody's place with Negan. I was forced to be here and I am dealing with that reality. I don't want innocent people dead because I have felt the pain of losing someone I  have loved and  I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. So if you don't mind take your negative attitude and leaving the room that would be great. We have very little time to make our preparations."

His prey .[Negan] Cover Done By @bes135Where stories live. Discover now