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Hanna's P.OV.

My hands grip the book in my hand as I try to distract myself from the loneliness I feel. It's only been a week, and my boredom is getting the best of me at this point.  I try to distract myself from my grief, but the pain never leaves me. I have read almost every book that Negan has in his library, and magazine as well. He has kept me in his room while I have been recovering.

Sherry said she has some movies for me to watch, and I am grateful for the distraction. My eyes glance at the small clock on the wall, seeing its twelve noon and that means its lunch time.

Just like clockwork Sherry brings in my tray of food, and turns to leave, but my loud voice stops her in her tracks.

" Please stay. I am so tired of being alone, Negan keeps my brother so busy he hasn't had time to see me. I am going crazy. "

Sherry's body stiffens, as she keeps her back to me not daring to look me in the eye.

" Negan doesn't want your brother to visit you or anyone talking to you," she states flatly.

My brows furrow as I try  to let her words sink in." Why? Why would he not want my brother talking to me? Am I being punished for something? " I was so confused and hurt by this. How could Negan do this to me?

Sherry shakes her head then turns around to face me. " No, he just is feeling guilty for the situation your in.  He knows it's his fault, and he doesn't want anyone knowing about it."

He cares so much about his damn ego!

" Well, it's not like I would just shout it out to everyone. I need to see my brother. He is the only family I have left. Negan took the love of my life from me,  he forced me to be his wife,  then made me think my brother was dead to punish me.   Making me lose my baby! Now, he wants to hide his fucking mistake?

I thought he actually felt bad. I was so wrong! I won't make that mistake again! " I seethe, as anger takes over me.

My hands dig into the soft blanket below me, as I struggle to get up. My wobbly legs steady, giving me the strength to move. I push Sherry out of my way and storm down the deserted hallway.

My bare feet smack against the concrete echoing loudly as I furiously make my way to the courtyard. The hot sun beat down on me, chasing beads of sweat to form on my face.

My brother stands on a high platform ordering men around like dogs. His hands grip the clipboard as he analyzes each detail with scrutiny.

I tap his broad shoulder, jolting him in his spot. His clipboard falls to the ground, creating a loud clank.

" What are you doing up? Negan said you are to be in bed until the doctor gives the okay. "

" I don't care what Negan wants! He can't control me anymore. I want to leave here now. Give me a set of keys and let me leave here. " I demand.

" I can't do that. Your one of his wives, and as such are not permitted to leave the premises.  Since you are my sister, I will do you a favor and forget this whole thing.

I know emotions can run high given the fact that you're still in grief.  Loss makes people do the irrational. It's easy to make rash decisions without thinking about the consequences it would entail."

My hands grip my hair, as an aggravated sigh escapes my lips.
" I want to leave here, and if you want to keep your precious position as Negans little right-hand bitch,  then you will help me."

" How am I supposed to help you? " He questions seriously.

" Make a diversion, and give me the keys to a car. That's all I need."

His prey .[Negan] Cover Done By @bes135Where stories live. Discover now