The death

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It was a sunny morning for James and he knew why. He was getting his driver's licence today. With that thought in mind he got ready and sang at the same time which he never really does because Kurt is in the next room and find it very annoying for him to sing because it disturbed his "beauty sleep".

Kurt's dad got married to my mom a couple of months ago and we have never been closer than we are right now. We constantly fight about how long each of us can use the bathroom for and who gets to do what first. Luckily Kurt is out more often than he was before because he is going to a new school Ohio called something with a bird name.

Don't count on me to remember things such as names because I will forget about it and when you ask "Hey James do you remember me." I won't even remember and call you something that isn't your name like "Dave right?" "No it's Burt." or " No it's Kitty." It's hard enough to remember my girlfriends name as it is.

"Are you ready yet James!" I hear my mother call up the stairs. I open my door and walk to the stairs.

"What does it look like mom?" I ask her. She looks up and glares up at me. I just smile and slide down the banister.

"Love you mom." I tell her as I walk past to get the car keys. I walk out and see my dad is already there.

"Hey dad. So you want to go now or later." He points to the car and I get the message. He means now so okay let's go. He gets in the driver's seat and I sit in the passenger seat. He looks at me and smiles.

It only takes about 25 minutes to get to the car place but this car ride took 45. I look around and see nothing that I recognize so I am about to turn around when I feel something hard hit my head.

I open my eyes and look around. Why does my head hurt so hard? I am about to turn around when I feel warm breath on my neck.

"Stay still or your death will go faster. " The voice sounds so familiar. Who is it? I just stare at the black wall hoping that I won't die because there is a lot I want to tell Rachel.

"What do you want? I have money and I can tell you my bank account number." I tell this mysterious person.

"I want you to help me with my girlfriend. I want her and she does not want me. And plus I heard that you can do something magical in this field. Am I right or am I right?" Crap. Who told him or her but it sound like a him.

"Okay. I'll help." I tell the person.

"Really? Because if you don't I will kill you. And this is not a joke Mr.Thomas I mean what I say." I am about to laugh when I feel something sharp on my back. A knife or something else. Crap. I should have listened to Sam. I should have taken self defence classes so I would know what to do.

"Where is this girlfriend of yours. It will only take a second." The person points to the wall I have been staring at and that's when I see the person sitting on the wall. I walk over to her and see that it's Samantha. The girl from last years glee club.

"Okay. What don't you like about the person I do not know the name of..."

"Jake." She whispers. I stare at her. Did I hear what she said. Jake. The jock who slushied Rachel in the face.

"Okay. What is Jake doing that you don't like." I ask her.

"He kills people like you. The ones that have special talents. He hasn't killed me because I am a shapeshifter and I shape shifted to look like your dad. I am so sorry." She says and looks up with a shocked expression.

Just before she can say anythings. I feel something hit me in the back and the breath is taken right out of my lungs. I collapse. I try to see where Jake is but I see nothing. Then as soon as the pain came it disappeared. I took in a breath and smiled. I healed that's awesome. I turn around to see Samantha leaning over my body.

"He's dead Jake. Why?What is wrong with you!" She shouted at Jake. Jake just looked at the gun in his hands and pointed it at himself but Samantha stopped him before he could killed himself. She hugged him and whispered in his ear.

That was the last thing I remember before I disappear fully.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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