Glee Club

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I am Rachel Berry and I am a star. I am the lead singer in Glee club and have been singing since I could first talk. I am not favored in this school and get slushied a lot because I am in all of the clubs in school. They call these people geeks but they'll one day see that they will be taking care of us when we become famous.

I have two gay dads that met when they were seeing a show featuring my mother. They had a fight on who would be the father of me so they made my mother choose and both of them now are my dads. People also make fun of me for that. But I am used to it.

"Watch out geek." Someone yells when I feel the cold wet slushy down by face. Some people in this school are cool but some people are not.

"Are you okay?" I hear someone ask. "I'm James. James Thomas."

"I know who you are. You are a football player that every girl wants and you broke up with Quinn. Plus you sing in the shower and have a great voice. You should join glee club. Oh and I am Rachel. Rachel Berry." He just looked at me like I was a freak.

"Um. Hi. Do you need help cleaning up?" He asked me looking at my red stained clothes.

"No I am okay but please come to glee practice this afternoon." I tell him and I walk passed him to the girls bathroom. After I clean up I see Finn talking to Quinn. That girl just doesn't learn when someone just doesn't like her.

I walk passed them to the glee room. I saw Kurt talking to Mercedes. They are so unsupportable.

"Hi guys ready to practice?" I ask them and they all nod their heads. "Okay let's do Don't stop Believin'." I look at the band and they kick up a toon. I smile and am just about to open my mouth when I hear someone else sing the part. Someone really good.

Just a small town girl

Livin' in a lonely world

She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

I turn around and smile at James and sing as well. We sounded so good together. We danced around the room with each other. That is when Quinn chooses to come in with her minions Grace and Lilly. They are all cheerleaders so they don't walk in they sashay in with their hips swinging like the metal piece of a clock. Back and forth.

"We would like to join the glee club. Right girls." Asks Quinn.

"Yeah." Both of the girls say at the same time. Oh my goodness it's like they share the same brain or something.

"Okay so let's see what you have got." Tara says. She is the one that everyone makes fun of for stuttering. She can't help it at all.

"Okay here we go." Quinn flips around and starts to move her hips again.

The moment I wake up

Before I put on my makeup

I say a little pray for you

While combing my hair now

And wondering what dress to wear now

I say a little prayer for you

Forever and ever, you'll stay in my heart

And I will love you

Forever and ever, we never will part

Oh, how I love you

Together, forever, that's how it must be

To live without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me

By the time they were done we all were staring at them like they came from God. They were very good. Grace had the alto and Lilly had the Alto-soprano while Quinn dealt with the soprano.

"You're in."Mercedes says. She stands up and starts to clap and I glare at her. She sits down and looks the other way.

"James what do you think. Would they help us win." I ask looking at him.

"We'll see won't we Rachel."James answers. I look at him with a shocked expression. What did he just say to me. Just because there are things I haven't told other people doesn't mean that they have to be mean.

I storm out of that room while glaring at the fancy threesome who think they are so cool.

"Rachel wait!" I hear James yell. I flip around and let him see that I have tears streaming down my face. He looks down and then back up at me.

"I'm so sorry Rachel. I just sometimes forget that I can hurt people that much. It's just..." He stops when he sees my face. "What's wrong?"

" You don't have to believe me but I can see dead people that I had a relationship with. And just now I think I saw my cousin." He looks at me with the face of understatement.

" I can do something similar. I can help people with relationships if they are not going very well and someone thinks that they don't deserve to live. I help them change their minds." He jokes and I look at him and start to smile. He smiles back and holds his hand out for me and we walk right back into that glee club practice room.

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