Chapter 13: The First Two Armies

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Medusa's army was moving along a grassy, flowery patch while observing their surroundings however they did not seem to like it.

Medusa: What is the meaning of thissssss?

Marrowkai: I'm not sure, it looks like we are in the outer parts of Immorta.

Medusa: This obviously doesn't look like Immorta.

Marrowkai: What has the Order done?

Medusa: Maybe they thought that if they pushed us far away from Immorta, then they could rule it.

Marrowkai: But one thing is for sure...

Medusa: And what will that be?

Marrowkai: That this is nothing like our world, we are not in Immorta or in our home world.

Medusa: THEN, WHERE ARE WE?!!!

Marrowkai: Probably in a parallel dimension.

Medusa: We will not be trapped here forever, once we get out we will locate the Order and destroy them!

Marrowkai: Understood.

Meanwhile in the forests nearby.

Herobrine: The army is moving closer.

Skeleton General: The archers are in position and so are the riders and endermen.

Herobrine: Good... very good.

Skeleton General: Shall I order them to fire?

Herobrine: Not yet. Wait for my command.

Skeleton General: Yes sir.

Herobrine: Soon that army will be nothing but a pile of bodies left behind to serve anyone who passes by as a message that no body messes with Herobrine

Herobrine then laughed an evil laugh that his eyes glowed so bright that his skeleton general had to step back and shield his eyes from the glare before turning back to his skeleton general.

Herobrine: They are almost in range.

Skeleton General: Standing by for your orders sir.

At Medusa's army.

Medusa: We should move faster. There should be something soon.

Marrowkai: Are you sure that walking in an open area is a wise decision? It not that safe.

Medusa: What was that? *turns to face Marrowkai*

Marrowkai: We are vulnerable to enemy fire out in the open, I suggest that we move to the forests to play safe.

Medusa: We will also move slower while in it. I suggest that we continue this path.

Marrowkai: Well then, the order could be watching us right now, if we continue than they might attack which will result in a heavy loss for us.

Medusa: Well... *turns to a nearby soldier* Darkness, what do you suggest?

Darkness is a very heavily armored knight with duel battle axes, a heavy shield and is the general of all the Juggerknights which is what they were called.

Darkness: Yes master?

Medusa: What do you suggest we do? Carry on this path, or move while in the forest for more protection but less speed.

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