Chapter 29: Meanwhile

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While all the pups were trying their best to end the evil reign, the others which Ryder had sent off, found shelter in a mushroom biome though they didn't even know it was. Captain Turbot was feeling much better and was himself again.

At night there were monsters spawning on the other side of the biome but none of them seemed to be interested in going over the water to just attack the people and the people quickly learnt to avoid staring at the endermen if there were any. One night, the people of adventure bay gathered together to discuss about Ryder and the pups.

Mayor Goodway: Is everyone here?

Captain Turbot: Should be.

Mayor Goodway: Good. We shall begin.

Captain Turbot: So, this is about Ryder and the pups?

Mayor Goodway: Yes, indeed captain.

Person 1: We don't even know where they are.

Person 2: Maybe they have returned?

Captain Turbot: Ryder said that he'll call us when he does.

Person 3: They may be in trouble.

Person 4: If they are, then we must go and look for them.

Captain Turbot: But we don't even know where they are.

Person 1: Maybe we...

Person 2: We must...

Captain Turbot: Calm down...

Person 4: We should...

As the commotion was going on, Mayor Goodway noticed something amiss and felt the urgent need to get everyone to be quiet.

Mayor Goodway: Everyone! Quiet down! I don't think that we are alone!

At this the whole surroundings grew silent as Mayor Goodway listened. At first, she thought it was her imagination and was about to give a false alarm when she heard rustling behind her, the rest that were there constantly turned around as if they heard something behind them every now and then. Mayor Goodway then turned around to find herself faced with a creeper, its silent movements almost inaudible.

Mayor Goodway: Woah!??

The rest instantly rushed to her aid but didn't want to be too close to the creeper as they didn't know how to combat it.

Mayor Goodway on the other hand was backing up away from the creeper when she realized she hit a dead end, then she could only close her eyes and hope. Just as the creeper was about to ignite and explode, it seemed to hear something from within its mind and turned away, wandering back where it came from, not seeming to care about the people anymore.

Those that saw this and had not ran of to hide were startled and surprised by this but dared not follow the creeper to see where it was heading. Mayor Goodway was surprised the most by this such that she was still staring into the forest where the creeper had disappeared into even after five minutes.

Captain Turbot: Mayor? It's gone now.

No reply.

Captain Turbot: Mayor?

Mayor Goodway: I'm going to need a rest.

Captain Turbot: What about Ryder?

Mayor Goodway: I'm not sure but I think that we can only hope that they are safe.

Katie was standing not to far away from the commotion and heard it all.

Katie: I really hope your safe Ryder.

With that she went of to sleep on the in the Paw Patroller while Captain Turbot and Mayor Goodway stayed up to discuss a while longer.

Well are yall enjoying this series so far? Let me know. Till the next one. Jude Out. :)

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