Chapter 14: Chase And Skye

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It was dark out at the Order's and Ryder and the pups were just about to head off to bed. When Chase entered his room, his door slammed shut without him closing it.

Chase: That was loud... I wonder who did that?

Chase then tried to open the door but somehow, he could not.

Chase: This makes no sense; how can I not open this door?

Mysterious voice: It will make sense only when you fall into your sleep forever.

Chase turned around and to his horror, he found a very dark figure standing right next to his window and glaring at him with red eyes.

Chase: *shocked* WHO... WHO ARE YOU?!

Mysterious voice: I am the one that you will not see the second time.

Chase: What do you mean?

Mysterious voice: Do you not know? Soon you, the rest of the Paw Patrol, The Catastrophe Crew and the Order Empire will perish under the hands of the Chaos Empire.

Chase: You know the Chaos Empire?!

Mysterious voice: It doesn't matter. All that is for sure is that you will all be destroyed.

Chase: How can you be sure?

Mysterious voice: See for yourself. *moves away from the window letting very bright lights fill Chase's room not from the sun but from fire*

Chase then moves towards his window and was shocked by what he saw, people of the Order Empire dead across the landscape of the Order's base, creatures charging into the base and destroying everything they saw from people to buildings by setting them ablaze but the worst part was... he saw Ryder burnt in the fire by one of the Chaos soldier's and the rest of his pup friends tied up on a nearby tree.

Chase: No... this can't be right.

Mysterious voice: If you think this is bad, it's about to get worse.

Chase: What?!

Mysterious voice: Watch your friends.

Suddenly, a chaos marrowkai walked towards the pups that were now all crying and groaning from the wounds that they had experienced. Then the marrowkai raised his scythe and struck in on Rocky with the sharp edge, ending his life.

Chase: NOOO!!

The marrowkai continued to kill pup after pup but when he reached the last pup who was Skye, he stopped and looked directly at Chase through the window straight in the eye. Chase was very afraid for what was going to happen next.

Chase: *says to himself* No... please don't...

Tears were seen dripping down on Chase's face as the marrowkai raised his scythe and struck Skye. To Chase, everything that he had just seen happened like in slow motion. The marrowkai raising his scythe then striking Skye with it and her final scream of pain. Of all this, Chase could have 100% sworn that he had saw Skye looking at him with a deep sadness in her beautiful eyes before closing them for the last time. By now, Chase was crying uncontrollably as he thought of all the friends that he had once had but were gone now in a horrible way.

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