chapter fourteen

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The next day at school, after sleeping on a plan that could turn out terrible, I approached Luke standing next to his locker. He stood with his head over the screen of his phone, his whole body relaxed and in complete concentration. I watched the path between him and I to ensure that I didn't trip or run in to anyone who wasn't watching where they were going. I'd seen it happen to far too many people.

"Hey," I said, leaning up against the lockers neighboring his.

"Hey," he smiled. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, a gesture I hadn't expected but certainly didn't mind. I saw a blushed color surface his face and he glanced down at his feet. It was so interesting to me that on the outside he was such a good looking, cool-kid type of guy, but getting to know him I saw more and more of his awkward self come out.

"So, I have this crazy, crazy idea," I told him.

"I love a bit of crazy," he said.

"Okay, so I was thinking of asking my dad if we could have you over for dinner. I think it would be a great way to get to know him. I also think it would be a good way for him to see what a great guy you are," I explained.

"Yeah," he widened his eyes and shut his locker. His hand reached up to scratch the back of his head and suddenly he tensed up as though he thought of what could happen if things were to go badly. "That is a crazy idea. You're dad definitely doesn't like me."

"No, I really don't think it's that... he just doesn't know you!" I argued.

"Well, you can ask him if he's okay with it. I don't have a problem. That would actually be fun to get to know you're dad and Freya."

"Yay!" I practically squealed. I was a bit embarrassed that I did so, but I ignored myself and said, "thank you, thank you!"

"I would walk you to class, but I need to be in my first class early today. I'll see you at lunch?" He asked.

"Yep," I assured him.

"Good," he smiled and turned to walk away.

"If you don't marry him, I will," Sloan said behind me.

"No more Calum?" I asked.

"Love triangles have always been an appeal to me," She shrugged.

"You weirdo!" I laughed and walked towards my class.

"Alright, lets not get started on the weirdo's in this school," She said as she walked next to me, eyeing down a boy with a pizza delivery carrier as a backpack.

"Hey, its creativity!" I argued.

"Don't get me started on you either," She looked me up and down jokingly.

"That's okay, i'll start," Ashton said, suddenly beside Sloan. "Are those mom jeans you're wearing. Really? What next? A choker?"

"Screw you guys!" I laughed. "I'll have you know these jeans are very comfortable and the only pair of jeans I have like these!"

"What do you think is next, a fanny pack or a visor?" Sloan asked Ashton.

"Both," he scrunched up his nose.

"Wow, innovative thinking," Sloan said and held her hand out for a high five.

"We should be Winnie for Halloween," Ashton high fived her.

"I'm taking that as a compliment!" I pointed at both of them after a silence from myself.

"Ah, we're just joking with you Wyn. You're the most stylin' girl I know," Sloan smiled.

"Besides me, right?" Maven said from behind us.

"Mave! I need help! Did you study for-" I began to ask.

"No," she cut off.

"Love you guys, gotta get to class," Sloan waved goodbye.

"What did you need help with?" Ashton asked. "I'd like to think i'm good at school."

"Econ," I rolled my eyes.

"Why didn't you ask Luke to help you. He's in that class," Maven reminded me.

"We're both stuck on the same things!" I whined.

"Sorry girl," she shrugged. "I need to get to the office for first. Maybe i'll be able to help but that will have to be later!" She called out as she walked away.

"You hair looks good by the way!" I yelled to her, realizing I had not yet commented on her electric blue dreads.

After many conversations, I finally reached my class room and felt relieve wash over me at the fact that I could sit down and stare mindlessly.

"I'll see you later, Ash-"

"Wait! Hey, when did you want to hang out again? I'm free this whole week so maybe we can do like a homework date or something and study at the cafe?"

"That sounds awesome! Just text me?" I suggested.

"Sounds great," he smiled, revealing his dimples. He really was a cute kid.

"See you at lunch!" I called out and stepped in to class.

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