Chapter 9 Sorry E

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Demi's POV:

The three of us just watched Brooklyn help Mia into the bathroom. Brooklyn closed the door behind Mia and looked at the three of us.

"I told you not to stress her out." Brooklyn said.

"I wasn't, we were having a conversation then Ali stormed in." I said in defense.

"Don't blame it on me! You are the one who hit her with a car!" Ali said.

"Both of you just stop." Brooklyn said. She walked over to the door and knocked.

"Mia please open the door." Brooklyn said.

"Just leave me alone." Mia said. Brooklyn opened the door and walked into the bathroom.

I looked at my phone and rubbed my head, which is now pounding. I walked over to the wall by the bathroom and slid down it. I put my head against the wall and listened to there conversation. All I heard for a while was Mia's crying.

"Why is my life do fucked up." I heard Mia said threw her sobs. Selena and Ali were both looking at me. I didn't care what they were going to do. I was going to stay here until they dragged me out.

Ali came and sat down next to me. Selena took a seat on the bed as I tried to listen.

"Honey you have had a hard life. But I promise that things will get better. You can stay with me till you get better. I promise nobody is going to hurt you again." Brooklyn said. Mia just cried. This just made my heart melt.

I brought my legs up into my chest and put my arms onto top of my knees and just put my head down.

"Please don't leave me." Mia said. She wasn't crying anymore which was a good thing.

"I won't Mia, I promise." Brooklyn said.

It was quite for a while. They stopped talking, and Mia finally stopped crying. Everyone was quite.

"I'm sorry about before." Ali said. I picked my head up off my arms and looked at her.

"It's okay. I don't blame you." I said.

"It's just, I don't think I could handle losing her a second time." Ali said wiping the tears off her face.

"What do you mean a second time?" I asked getting curious.

"I found Mia when she tried to kill herself. I really though she was dead. I'm just happy I got there when I did. I was just so happy when the EMT's said she wasn't dead. But I knew that I had to do something. When she was released from the hospital I drove her 14 hours straight to a Timberland Knolls. She wouldn't talk to me or let me visit. She finally called me four months later to have me get her." Ali said.

She brought her head back and leaned it against the wall. She rubbed her face with her hands. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked at me.

"I can understand that. You know you did the right thing sending her." I said.

"Yea I know. What are you talking about that you can understand that?" Ali asked.

I was kind of shocked. When I went to treatment it was all over the news. Every station was covering it, spreading lies about why I was there.

"I guess you don't really know who I am then." I said looking at her.

"I guess not than." Ali said giving me a weird look.

"Just out of curiosity why would did you take her all the way to Illinois when I'm sure there are plenty of treatment centers here in Texas?" I asked.

"Well I told her that I was going to send her to treatment and she said she would only go there. Mia said she would actually try and get better if she went there." Ali said looking at me.

I nodded and tried to decide how to tell Ali. It was going to be a shock but I think she knows who I am.

"The reason why I know where Mia's coming from is because I have been to treatment. In fact I went to that treatment center, that's why Mia said that." I said looking Ali in the eyes.

"Not to be rude but who are you?" Ali said.

"My name is Demetria Lovato, but I go by Demi. Demi Lovato." I said looking at Ali.

She looked confused for a second, than like someone turned on the light in her head she realized who I was.

"Now it makes since. I knew you looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to your face. She made me wait in a line for hours just to get you to sign her CD of Unbroken, because her parents wouldn't let her out of the house." Ali said.

"Mia had you do that?" I asked.

"Yea I lost a bet we had." Ali said and rubbed her head.

"Ali, how old are you?" I asked, Ali didn't look like she was Mia's age. She looked like she was more my age.

"I'm 22." Ali said.

"How did you meet Mia because you have a five year age difference." I asked.

"Well I was a senior in high school and I was a peer leader so I would help the incoming freshman adjust to high school. I was also the oldest in my grade because my birthday is in December, which was after the cut-off date." Ali said.

I nodded just listening to Ali talk. I could see why her and Mia where friends. It was more like a sister relationship they had. The bathroom door opened. I completely forgot that Mia and Brooklyn where in the bathroom. Brooklyn walked with Mia in her arm. I got up off the floor.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yea she just fell asleep can one of you guys get the IV stand in the bathroom and wheel it out with me so I can put her on the bed." Brooklyn said.

I was about to get it when Ali was already pulling it out of the bathroom. She walked it over to the bed as Brooklyn put Mia down on the bed. I helped fix all of her blankets.

"Look you guys should probably go. I gave Mia a heavier dose of pain meds so it will help her sleep for a while. You can come back and visit tomorrow." Brooklyn said.

"Okay. I want to pay for her medical bills, and expenses. Anything she needs I will pay for it." I said looking at Brooklyn.

"We can talk about this tomorrow. You can come around noon to visit." Brooklyn said.

"Okay Selena do you have a piece of paper and a pen in that Mary Poppins bag of yours." I asked her. Selena laughed and looked through she bag. She pulled out a small note pad and a pen and handed them to me.

I wrote my cell number and home number on the paper and handed it to Ali.

"Call if anything happens." I asked.

"Yea no problem, here give me your phone I'll put my number in it." Ali said. I unlocked my phone and handed it to her. Ali gave it back a few seconds later.

"All set." Ali said.

"Sel you're driving me home right?" I asked Selena give her back the pad and pen.

"Yup, you ready?" Selena asked.

"Yea, I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said and walked out the door behind Selena.

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