Chapter 23 Heart Attack E

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Amanda's POV:

After I cleaned myself up in that bathroom I meet the rest of Demi's band. All the guys were really cool and I played a few songs to prove myself to them. Demi's manager was also there and they official signed me into a contract to play for Demi on her upcoming tour, which was going to take place after she releases her album. Before the guys left Wes gave me his phone number, and we had another little make out sess. My feelings for Wes are off the charts and I only knew him for a couple hours.

Everybody left about an hour ago. Demi and I have been spit balling ideas back and forth for the last 10 minutes trying to come up with something good.

"Mia how about this. I've had this stuck in my head for the past few days." Demi said as she took a seat next to me on the piano bench.

Demi hit a few keys on the piano but stopped. She hit one more key and looked at her notebook.

"Puttin' my defenses up

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that

I think I'd have a heart attack"

"I like it. It's really catchy something easy that will get stuck in your head. Do you have anymore lyrics?" I asked looking at her notebook.

"Yea I have most of the song." She said and handed me her notebook.

I looked over the song and hummed it to myself. It was a really good song. About a half hour later I came up with the guitar part. Demi basically wrote the rest of the song in a half hour.

Demi recorded the song and her band left. Now we are in her car going somewhere. I think we are going back to her parent's house but I don't remember what she said. At this point I don't really care I'm tired right now I just want to go home and sleep.

"Demi were are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to go to my parents house for dinner, but if you want I can take you home." Demi said.

"No it's okay, just right after dinner can you take me home. I'm really tired." I said putting my head against the window.

"Sure, Mia are you sure your okay. Like are you in pain?" Demi asked starting to get worried.

"I'm good I'm just tired. I feel like I'm coming down from a high." I said smiling.

I could feel Demi's eyes on me, but in this moment I didn't care. I'm finally free of my nightmare parents. I met my idol, and she gave me the job of my dreams. I have the guy of my dreams and I'm hoping to make him my boyfriend. And I finally have Brooklyn back. She showed me kindness in the time I needed the most. I'm finally happy for the first time in a very long time.

Demi continued driving and my eyes closed. Everything in my life is starting to come together. It took a while but it's starting to have meaning again. After a while of driving I felt the car come to a stop. The amount of any energy I have now is next to nothing; I just kept my eyes closed.

The door opened and I almost fell out of the car. My eyes flew open as a pair of hands caught me. Brooklyn was standing above me a concerned look on her face.

"Mia are you okay?" She asked.

"Tired" Was the only thing I could say. My eye close as I felt Brooklyn pick me up.

Brooklyn carried me all the way upstairs. I felt the softness of my bed as Brooklyn put me down. Brooklyn moved some of my hair off my forehead and kissed it.

As she pulled away she moved my blankets up around me.

"Brooklyn" I said.

"Yes Mia?" She asked.

"Stay with me." I said. I heard Brooklyn sigh.

"Okay just let me change first." Brooklyn said.

A few minutes later I felt the bed dip. I moved myself into Brooklyn's waiting arms.

"Are you okay Mia?" Brooklyn asked.

"I feel safe in your arms." I said.

"Your safe now Mia, you don't have to worry." Brooklyn said.

"Goodnight Brooklyn." I said.

"Night Mia." Brooklyn said and kissed my forehead. I fell asleep in Brooklyn's arms.

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