Chapter 24 Birthday E

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Amanda's POV:

It's been two months since the accident. Brooklyn and Melissa have become like moms to me. I even let it slip like twice to Brooklyn. She said it was fine and told me I could call her mom if I wanted too. Every once and a while I would call her mom but not that much.

I haven't seen Ali that much though. She is super busy with work and her new fiancé. She comes to see me once in a while. She has also been keeping tabs on my parents. From what she told me it seems like they don't care that I'm gone. They just go on with there own lives.

Demi and my relationship has grown so much over the pass few months. She is like a big sister to me. I have become close to her whole family. They kind of have taken me in like I was one of their own. I have helped her a lot on her album and it is almost ready to be released. The release date is May 10th. She started going away on trips to promote the album, but I'm staying here in Dallas till my leg is fully healed.

I'm no longer on crutches but I still have a brace on it, just till I'm done with psychical therapy. Psychical therapy sucks. It's worst than conditioning when I was on the lacrosse team. Stretching and using muscles that haven't been used in months kills. Just two more weeks and I should be fine. Demi has paid for everything even know she didn't have too, since Brooklyn and Melissa are both doctors I wouldn't have to pay for the therapy anyway.

Speaking of lacrosse Brooklyn got me a net that's now in the backyard. I'm still not really allowed to fully play but it helps when I'm mad about something. I go outside and shoot balls till I can't stand anymore. I even got to teach Brooklyn how to play. I tried teaching Demi but I was too afraid that she was going to hurt herself while shooting, so I just let her watch.

With Brooklyn's help I finally got my drivers license, she even helped me open my own bank account. The days of hiding my money in various different places are over. We also set it up so the money I make from Demi goes directly into my account. I got a credit card and ATM card. It's kind of nice to have a safe place for my money. Brooklyn and I have only sleep together a hand few of times after that night, only if I had nightmares. Which are getting to be less and less.

Now you might ask about Wesley and I's relationship. We are together but we are taking this super slow. I still have trust issues of my own and Wes is away a lot because of the band. Whenever we have free time he would fly out to see me. Even if I was busy or had therapy he would still come out and just watch me. It was nice to have someone like him. But there was something about off, something with me. I love Wes and want to be with him but when I kiss him I don't feel things I should. It might have just been because the only other kissing I have done is with a guy was when I was kissed by my dad when he would rape me. After the first kiss we had I didn't feel the sparks.

Today is a day when my depression comes out the worst. All I want to do is spend today alone. I do it every year but this year is different. Today is my 18th birthday. Brooklyn and Demi have been asking me what I want to do for my birthday and I haven't given them an answer.

Right now I'm laying in my bed, it's about 9 o'clock in the morning and I need to get up. After another five minutes of thinking I got up and started my routine. I showered and got dressed. Brooklyn and Melissa are both still asleep because it's there day off. I went downstairs and made myself a quick breakfast.

When I was done I cleaned up my mess and went back to my room. I got everything I need for today; I'm just hoping it doesn't rain. After I was done I went to the bathroom and went back downstairs.

I put my guitar case and backpack down and grabbed a pen and paper. As I was writing out the note I heard a noise behind me. I turner around and saw Brooklyn standing in the doorway of the kitchen. When she saw me she smiled.

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