Chapter 10 ThanksE

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Amanda's POV:

After I stopped crying I just stayed in Brooklyn's arms. I felt safe, well as safe as I felt in a long time. I was going to start talking again when I heard Ali speak.

"I'm sorry about before." Ali said.

"It's okay. I don't blame you." Demi said.

"It's just I don't think I could handle losing her a second time." Ali said.

After Ali said that I tuned out there conversation. I didn't want to hear what they were saying. I just put my arms around Brooklyn and held onto her.

"Mia do you want to go back to bed?" Brooklyn asked a few minutes later.

"Yea, I don't want to talk to them though." I said.

"Okay how about this. You pretend you're sleeping and I'll just carry you out and say you're sleeping." Brooklyn said as she backed out of the hug.

"Are you sure you can lift me?" I asked.

"Amanda you're under weight by about 10 pounds I can left you without a problem." Brooklyn said.

I just hung my head. I haven't realized I wasn't eating in the past couple of days. I rubbed my head and looked at Brooklyn.

"Fine." I said.

"Okay just stand up and then I'll pick you up." Brooklyn said. I slowly got up off the toilet and looked at Brooklyn.

She walked toward me and put her arm around my waist. I put my arm around Brooklyn's neck and she picked me up. I held in a scream when she moved my leg.

"Are you okay Mia?" Brooklyn asked.

"No. That hurt a lot more then I thought it would." I said burying my face into Brooklyn's neck.

"Here." Brooklyn said and pushed the button for the pain medicine twice.

I heard Brooklyn open the bathroom door and I closed my eyes. I was already falling asleep because I was really tired. It felt like my world was spinning. I felt something soft and I realized it was the bed. Someone pulled the blankets over me. I heard the door open and close. I was about to speak when I hear Ali's voice.

"I'll be back tomorrow. Sleep tight." Ali said and kissed my forehead.

I heard footsteps and the door open, then it closed. I opened my eyes and looked around. Brooklyn was standing next to my bed.

"Brooklyn?" I said. She turned around and looked at me.

"Yea?" She asked.

"Thank you." I said and smiled at her.

"For what?" She asked.

"For caring." I said and closed my eyes.

"Your welcome. Get some sleep sweetie. I'll bring you something to eat later." Brooklyn said. She patted my arm and left my room. I moved my leg a little bit and let sleep take over.

Someone shook my arm. I opened my eyes and saw Brooklyn was standing in front of me. I closed my eyes again. I just wanted to sleep.

"Mia please eat a little bit and then you can back to the sleep." Brooklyn said. I opened my eyes again and looked at Brooklyn. I sat up but regretted it. My head was spinning and it felt like someone ran it over with a mac truck.

"Mia what's wrong?" Brooklyn said.

"My head" was all I said. I brought my hands up and rubbed my temples.

"That's your concussion, just eat a little bit and I can give you some medication to help the pain." Brooklyn said.

I looked at the food in front of me. It was a piece of chicken and rice. Just looking at it made me want to vomit.

"Brooklyn I don't think I can." I said covering my face again.

"Then I can't give you the meds. You have to eat half of the chicken and three spoon fulls of rice and I can give it too you, deal." Brooklyn said. I uncovered my face and looked at the food again.

"Fine just turn off the lights." I said.

I picked up the fork and knife and started cutting the chicken. After I stuck the first piece in my mouth Brooklyn turned off the lights. I quickly eat the whole piece of chicken and three spoons of rice. Brooklyn handed me a little paper cut with pills in it. I put it up to my mouth and swallowed the pills. I downed a full bottle of water and I pushed the tray away from me.

I moved a little in the bed and pulled the blankets up over me. Brooklyn was sitting in the chair playing with her phone.

"Tomorrow I'm going to take you home, okay?" She said looking up from her phone.

"Okay, does your husband mind." I said nodding toward the wedding ring on her finger.

"No well because I don't have a husband. I have a wife." Brooklyn said looking at her ring.

I nodded and moved in bed. My head wasn't hurting as much, and it made me happy. I just closed my eyes when there was a soft knock on the door. I opened them again and looked at Brooklyn.

She got up out of the chair and walked over to the door. She opened it to reveal another women. Brooklyn opened the door wider and the other women walked in the door.

"Mia this is my wife Melissa, Mel this is Mia." Brooklyn said.

"Hi." I said, fighting my eyelids to stay open.

"It's nice to meet you Mia." Melissa said. I gave her a small smile and lost the battle with my eyelids.

"It's okay Mia sleep, I'll be back in the morning." I heard Brooklyn's voice.

I pulled the blankets up. I felt someone's lips on my head and I sank into sleep.

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