Parties, sex and drugs! (4)

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woo yay part 4, i wrote most of this out on pad paper when i was in class :P

well i hope you like it


Parties, sex and drugs. (4)

I woke up in the morning; my eyes were sticky with sleep, gross. I pried my eyes open and looked at my surroundings.

There was a big bay window to my left that looked over a swimming pool, the walls were a shade of dark blue with photos and band posters stuck everywhere, all the furniture was chocolate brown including the bed that I was lying in with blue covers to keep me warm.

Krissa's room, I'm in Krissa's room I realised. How on earth did I get here? I wondered to myself.

I sat up quickly, too quickly, blood rushed to my head alerting me of a pounding headache and making me dizzy. I felt a funny feeling in my stomach so I lied back down. The second I turned my head to search for Krissa the bedroom door flew open and in came a very hyper Krissa, crazy girl.

She looked at me briefly noticing I was awake then bolted full speed towards me. I closed my eyes awaiting the impact of our bodies slamming but it didn't come, I opened my eyes again to see she had jumped over me and landed in a roll on the other side of the bed.

"So what did you do last night?" she asked with a knowing smirk.

What did I do last night? I tried to think but my head pounded in protest, I groaned. "Umm I don't know." I admitted sheepishly.

Krissa threw her head back and laughed mischievously. What the fudge cake?

"Does stealing cars, losing your virginity and grinding against random horny teenagers ring any bells?" she said still smirking.

Huh? Stealing cars? Losing my virgini- OH HOLY SHIT BALLS. I mentally screamed. All the events from last night came flooding through my head. Memories of me and Robbie stealing his dads shiny, black Mercedes Benz, flashing cops cars yelling at us to pull over, Callie picking us up from a bus stop on the other side of town, me and Robbie having sex, oh god me and Robbie had sex and the worst thing was... I enjoyed it all.

I felt my chest tighten and my breathing became heavy, I looked wide-eyed at Krissa. "I'm going to be in so much trouble Kris," I cried. She scooted closer to me too wrap her arms around me in a comforting hug, it was a little awkward because we were still lying down.

"No it's okay, no body except me, you, Robbie and Callie know," she cooed while rubbing my back. I suppose that's not to bad I guess, Callie being Robbie's older sister wouldn't dob in her own brother, Robbie can't tell or his in the shit too and Krissa would never betray me like that.

I felt a smug grin form on my face, "That was the best night ever," I laughed "I mean people say you do stupid stuff when under the influence of alcohol and you can't remember the next day, yeah I did stupid stuff, really stupid stuff but I still remember it all and it was. So. Much. Fun." I finished out of breath and laughing insanely.

Krissa laughed to, "Glad you had fun Rose, we all know you deserve it,"

We lied in silence after that, just thinking to ourselves when the doorbell rang. Krissa jumped off the bed and landed in a crouched position, she straightened up and yelled, "I will get it" before skipping from the room.

I grimaced and shook my head in disbelief, how can that girl not have a hangover? She always amazes me.

My joints were all stiff from lying down for so long so I got up and out of bed. I could feel a weird type of pain between my legs, courtesy of Robbie's penis I'm guessing, I tried my best to ignore it. I was halfway to the bathroom when I felt vomit making its way up my throat.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and ran to the toilet, getting there just in time. I had been throwing up for a couple minutes when someone came over and held my hair bag, I assumed it was Krissa so I didn't say anything.

Finally my stomach was empty of anything else to throw up. I stood up and flushed the toilet.

I turned to thank Krissa for holding my hair back but it wasn't Krissa.

"Robbie?" I asked.

"Hey Rose, are you okay now?" he asked genuine concern showing in his eyes. I blushed and nodded my head 'yes'.

I didn't know how to act around Robbie anymore, was it a one time thing? Are we just going to pretend it didn't happen and go back to how things were before? Are we going to start dating? Does he even remember last night?

"Oh well that's good," he mumbled looking around making sure to not make eye contact. I guess he does remember everything.

I sighed, "What do we do now?" I asked. He looked at me obviously understanding what I meant.

"I don't know. I mean last night shouldn't have happened," he said. I instantly felt upset, stupid me got my hopes up thinking that maybe something could happen between us. He must have noticed the sad look in my eyes 'cause he started talking again.

"I didn't mean it like that," he said holding up his hands as if I as going to shoot him. "I meant it shouldn't have happened like that, it was your first time and my first time and I really like you and I shouldn't have let my drunken state take over because I know you will never feel the same about me."

Wow who would have thought Mr. Big hot shot with the girls at East Bridge High was a virgin?

"You like me? As in more then a best frenemy way?" I asked completely shocked. He laughed a little at my term 'Best Frenemy'.

He placed his right hand on my cheek, It was warm and soft. "Yeah ofcourse I like you Rose." He leaned into kiss me, just before his lips met mine I turned my head away so he kissed my cheek instead.

He pulled back hurt crossing his face, "I have just been throwing up," I said pointing to the toilet. Relief and realisation replaced the hurt on his face, I laughed at his expression.

"Umm Rose can I ask you something?" he looked nervous.

"Umm sure?" my response came out more like a question.

"Kay, umm well... Rosewillyoubemygirlfriend?" he asked speaking really fast that I almost missed what he said, almost.

I started into his perfect blue eyes, ba boom ba boom ba boom, my heart beated so fast in my chest I thought it was going to jump out. Haha how random would that be if my heart just jumped out my chest 'oh whoops there goes my heart'.

I started laughing, Robbie looked at me with confusion, "What are you laughing at?" he asked nervously, oh he thought I was laughing at him, my bad.

"Nothing just myself," I said, "Robbie I would love to be your girlfriend."

He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Yay" he squealed.

"Did you just squeal?" I asked trying to hold back my laugh.

"Umm no," I heard him say. We both turned to look in the doorway. Krissa was bouncing up and down clapping her hands like she was a little kid who just got told they get that toy from the shop.

"That was so cute, such a Kodak moment," she squealed again. We laughed at her and I felt Robbie plant a kiss on my forehead.

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