Chapter 3~ A New Perspective

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As Claire came to consciousness after a good nights sleep, her eyes were still shut, but her mind was open.
Friday :) finally its Friday. No more school tomorrow AND I get to sleep in!
She opened her eyes to see a dim light flickering in the next room over. The rest of the room was dark.
  Ugh! What was this! Her king sized bed had somehow been switched for a COUCH!
EWWWWW and it reeked as if some one has puked up last nights left overs on it!
She sat up rapidly and immediately felt dizzy. She looked around the premises and realized she was in some sort of living room with a BOX TV FOR GODS SAKE! It didn't even work, it was shattered! When she stood up, her foot was punctured by a piece of glass.
"OW" she hollered.
There was no response.
She sat down once more on the grimy couch and picked the glass out of her heel. Luckily it wasn't deep enough to cause any serious injury.
She walked around the small compartment complex straight to a window. When she looked out all she saw was brick. So she searched for another view. The front door wasn't very hard to find since it was an extremely small place. There were raggedy brown stained, white curtains hung across the doors window. As she moved them to the side, she look out and found another persons eye starring in at her! She screamed and shut the curtains as fast as possible. She took one more peep out the window and the man groaned. She started to panic.
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! What am I gonna do!
"Karaaaaaaa! Lemme innnnnnnnn!", A slurred voice said to her.
The door nob jiggled and the door cracked open. As soon as it did, the man fell to the floor and mumbled some words. He looked as if he was dying! Or he was already dead, and a zombie who had come to eat her brains! But she didn't notice that, all she knew was his HAND was TOUCHING HER FOOT!
"EEEK! A HOBO! SHOO SHOO! Get out of here you rodent!" She kicked his hand off of her and stood back huddling with herself.
"Whaa... whaz wrong girlaaaay!? Iz meee, yo daddaaaay! Daddy cakes, popsie wopsieeeee!"
Claire seemed confused she didn't know where she was, how she got there, or who this man was. She stumbled backwards and knocked over a case of beer, which one bottle completely smashed and showed a glimpse of her reflection. She wasn't a golden blond, blue eyed hottie anymore! She was... KIERRA DOWNY!? She had ginger hair put into a messy bun, with hazel eyes and SO. MANY. PIMPLES! Yes, she was most DEFINITELY Kierra Downy!
Kiera is this  girl in Orchard falls high school who is in most of Claire's classes. Well mostly the boring ones anyways. Math, chemistry, English(righting and grammar). Claire found her SO annoying and all she was, was a pest! She was super shy and such a geek. As you've probably guessed, Claire's a big bully! So one of her targets, of corse, was Kierra Downy.
Claire was so caught up in her own thoughts, that she had completely forgot about the stranger passed out on the floor beside her, until he started coughing. She thought about what he had said to her and figured this was probably her dad.
Ugh she's just as revolting as he is!
She turned to him once more as he spit out " ho waz stoool todie hunzae bunzae???"
She turned to a clock she remembered, in the living room. It read 7:53am.
"Is today Friday?" She asked
"Errrr yez'm"
"Then school hasn't started yet".
"Oh yeaaaaaaa! DOI" he laughed, still led on the floor. "WELLZ OOH BEDUR GET A GOIN I GUEZZ"
All she knew was that she had to get away from there, and she saw this as her escape plan.
"Ya, I better"
She steps over him carefully, as a whiff of alcohol blew past her.
Yup, he was definitely drunk. I knew there was something weird about her family! For a brief moment she ALMOST felt sorry for Kierra, if that actually was her dad, but then remembered, she's probably just a typical lower class dirty citizen.
She's probably used to this, the slob! She thought to herself.
She kept on moving out through the door, and walked through an ally way to escape from the crummy lane.
Everything was unfamiliar. This was a different neighbourhood than hers. It all looked so rundown, like one of those stereotypical neighbourhoods in the movies with all of the gangsters and trailer parks. She wanted to ask for directions, but wouldn't dare associate with those "type of people".
Well that plan backfired, because while passing one of the apartment suites, an old woman with a ribbon barely holding up her grey, tangly hair, and an apron flowered down so all saturation was lost, shouted out to her.
Claire turned to meet her eyes. They had so many wrinkles beneath, that she couldn't even tell the colour of her eyes.
The old lady approached as Claire stood there still.
" uhhh..." She couldn't talk, she didn't know how to respond.
They stood there in silence until Claire finally regained confidence and said something.
"Who are you?"
"My dear what's wrong with you!? It's me. Dorthy."
Claire had never met Dorthy, but apparently "Kierra" had some relation to this woman.
" how do I get to school from here?"
" Oh my, Did your parents let you into their secret stash or what?"
" N... no m'am"
"Hmf, delusional" Claire herd her mumble.
She rolled her eyes. Dorthy gave her directions to to the school.
" So in all it's about two Kilometres away "
" Yes, Yes, now quite down before you wake up the entire neighbourhood for a rally!"
Claire blushed nervously.
"Thank you". She slipped in.
Let's just say she wasn't too pleased that she had to walk for 2 kilometres straight, but it didn't help that she unknowingly walked one kilometre the opposite way.
So on her way she went.

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