Chapter 32: Delirious' Sickness

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*Vanoss' Pov*
I was still sitting outside the nurses office until she came out. I stood up quickly.

"How is he?" I asked worried.

"He's awake but he's getting very bad headaches" The nurse said.

"Can I see him?" I said. She nodded and I walked in. He looked at me and he looked pale. He still had his mask on.

"Hey" Delirious said.

"Hey are u alright?" I ask.

"Yea. Sorry I'm making u worry about me" Delirious said.

"No its fine" I said. I sat down next to him and he held my hand. Then CaRtOoNz came in.

"Hey I heard about Wat happened" CaRtOoNz said. I nodded. He sat down with Delirious and me.

"Vanoss u can go to ur next class. I'll stay here with Delirious" CaRtOoNz said. I got up and walked away to my next class.

*CaRtOoNz's Pov*
I sat with Delirious and he was quiet. He was pale as a ghost. Jesus I thought. He was breathing heavily and his sweat was cold. He was shaking and then he gasped and gripped his head again. He shook his head violently and kicked off the sheets.

"No... Stop" Delirious whispered. I then sensed a presence at the door and noticed Mr King staring at us through the glass. The vampire King I thought. I held Delirious in my arms and death stared him. He huffs and walks off and I'm surprised Delirious didn't see him. I could hear him sniffle.

"CaRtOoNz" Delirious said.

"Yes?" I said. Delirious looked at me with sadness and worry.

"Wats happening to me?" Delirious asked. I sighed.

"I don't know but we will fingers it out I promise" I said. He sighs and closes his eyes, burying his face into my chest until he fell asleep. Then the nurse came in.

"Sorry Mr CaRtOoNz but u have to leave, I need to test Delirious more" she said. I nodded and lied Delirious back down and walked out. I stood in the hallway and thought to myself. These visions... They must be from his forgotten past. Looks like it's almost that time then isn't it? The bell ring again and it was recess. I walked off to the cafeteria and sat with the others.

"Where's Delirious?" Wildcat asked.

"He's in the nurses office" I said.

"Wat?! Wat happened?" Wildcat said quickly.

"He fainted in 1st period" Vanoss said. Wildcat stood up.

"I'm going to see him" Wildcat said. He then walked away from our table.

*Wildcat's Pov*
I walked out of the cafeteria and went to the nurses office and the nurse came out.

"R u here to see Delirious?" She asked. I nodded and she let me him. I shivered when I saw how pale Delirious was. He was breathing heavily and looked like he had bags under his eyes. God he looks so unwell... I gripped his hand and he twitched a little. He had tubes in his arms and it looked like he had an oxygen mask on but his hockey mask was blocking my view. I sighed and kissed his hand. He twitched again as he kept breathing heavily.

"W-Wildcat?" Delirious said softy.

"It's me Delirious Wat happened to u?" I said concerned.

"I don't know... I had a vision of something and then all of a sudden I blacked out... The visions looked liked something of my forgotten past..." Delirious said weakly. I widen my eyes. His forgotten past? I need to find answers from CaRtOoNz and Vanoss I thought.

"Don't worry we will find out Wat is wrong with u Delirious" I said.

"T-Thank u... Tyler" Delirious said. He then kept quiet and the nurse came back in.

"I'm sorry but Delirious needs to take medication" the nurse said.

"Alright" I said. I got up and walked out of the nurses office. My stomach then rumbled. Shit I forgot to eat. The bell rung and I sighed and went to my next class. Not knowing that Ohmwrecker was watching me walk away.

*Ohm's Pov*
I watched Wildcat walk away from the nurses office. I used my X-Ray vision and saw Delirious taking his meds while hiding his face from the nurse. I see him cough and the nurse told him to put the oxygen mask back on. When the nurse walked out I sneaked in to see Delirious sleeping but shaking violently. I touched his forehead and sensed something. This is no normal sickness... Then wat is it? I thought. I ran my fingers through Delirious' brown hair and started tearing up a bit. I took off my mask and held his hand as I cried silently into it.

"Delirious please... Get better... I'm worried for u" I said softly. I tightened my grip a little on his hand and spoke again but my voice was croaky from crying.

"I-I swear... If someone hurts u... I won't hesitate to hurt them... But I could never... Hurt u" I said softly again. I sensed another presence in the room and saw Mr King behind the bed.

"Hmmmm he's very sick indeed. A monster wouldn't get this sick so easily" Mr King said. I got up and stood infront of the bed to show protection of Delirious.

"Stay away from him!" I growled. He didn't listen and he touched his forehead smirking evilly when he did.

"Looks like I found him" Mr King said. He got out of his disguise and I widen my eyes.

"Ur Vanoss' father?!" I said.

"That's right! Now hand me over Delirious!" Henry ordered. I shook my hand.

"No u r not having him!" I shouted. He growled loudly and his eyes glowed red.

"Fine then I'll take him myself!" Henry said. He tried to grab Delirious but I had blinded him with my power and quickly took Delirious out of there. I ran and ran until there was an explosion that made everyone else run out. I quickly saw Vanoss and CaRtOoNz along with everyone else and ran to them with Delirious in my arm.

"Vanoss! Mr King just tried to take Delirious!" I said quickly. He and CaRtOoNz both growled.

"Looks like he knows" Vanoss said.

"Wat does he know?" Terroriser said. I gave Delirious to Vanoss and he turned to us.

"Well it looks like it's time U learned Delirious' secret" Vanoss said.

"Secret?" I said. He went and unclipped the back of Delirious' mask and was slowly taking it off.

"He is actually a..."

Cliffhanger! Sorry but shit is about to get real so I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Peace out my Devils! Word count: 1103

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