Marked by Mark(iplier)

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'Knock-ity knock!' Markiplier called as he knocked on Pewdiepie's door.

Robert jumps, causing some milk to spill out of his bowl. Grabbing a knife, he darts into the office where he has a bunch of recordings of phrases taken from Pewdiepie's videos. He plays the clip that says, "Come in!"

Mark follows the recording's orders and opens the door before stepping inside. He glances around and calls out, 'Where are you?'

Robert plays another clip. This one simply says, 'Recording.'

Mark lumbers into the office. It seems as he's been here before. He bursts through the door. 'Hey, Pew- wait. Felix?' Mark had stopped when he didn't see anyone in the office.

Just like when Robert hid from Felix, he is hiding in a random cupboard. He can see Mark moving around the room, obviously trying to find Pewdiepie. 'Haha,' Robert laughs inwardly. 'You're not going to find him, he's at the bottom of a curious body of water! Also you won't ever see Pewd's dog again because he got rehomed!' Robert adds to himself as an afterthought. Through the tiny crack in the door, Rob could see Mark walking around. He was getting closer to the wardrobe, hand outstretched. 

As Mark opens the door, Robert makes an indecipherable sound and stabs him in the arm. Blood spurts out everywhere. 'EW YUCK!' yells Robert.

'Oi, what the hell?' Mark screams back.

From somewhere outside there is a question shouted at the men. 'IS EVERYTHING OKAY?' the person yells.

'NO!' Mark tries to scream back, but Robert has shoved a random sock, that was conveniently nearby - into Mark's mouth. This way his shout is muffled and it allows Robert to shout, 'YES!' and reassure the person that all is okay.

Mark scratches Robert's arm very, very, very hard. Robert begins to bleed and cry. He moves away from Mark and sits in a corner. 'That was so mean! H-how could y-y-y-you?' 

Mark's expression turns soft and he moves closer to Robert. He pats Robert's hair and croons, 'I'm sorry, man.' He glances at his arm, then at Robert's. 'Let's get cleaned up and eat something, eh?'

Robert nods and follows Mark to the bathroom. They get cleaned up and then Robert goes to the kitchen. 'I'll cook,' he says, getting out some pots. 'Just one second!' He runs to his room and shuffles through his bag of things that he's brought from the hotel. He grabs a nice small bottle of poison. Perfect!!!

He runs back to the kitchen and after a very intense cooking session, he serves up two minute noodles. With poison - but only in Mark's!

After the meal, Mark looks tired. 'I'm tired,' he says. He lies down on the couch and sleeps. After an hour, Robert checks him. He is no longer asleep. He is dead.

Robert smiles. 'Now . . . how to dispose of this one.' He shrugs and sits in an armchair to think. 'Oh, I know!'

Robert waits until dark and then takes the body to a nearby wooded area. He goes deep, deep, deep into the woods and finds a cave. He looks in carefully. Bears! Robert chucks Mark's body down and runs away. Time to go home and plan the next kill!

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