Kill the Spare(s)

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The two characters featured in this chapter are based off people I actually once knew. They wronged me, so now are fictionally dead (thanks Rob).

'Jack!' a high pitched voice calls from just in front of Robert. Gosh, that voice is annoying.

His head perks up, before he drops it back down to stare at the bleak pavement once more. Jack has moved from Ireland and even though Robert's been going around his new home town looking for him, he cannot find him! :( he could ask Owen to get a better idea of exactly where he was, but Owen had begun to cry every time Robert called him, mumbling something about "SENPAI notice me"?? Hahah, weird! Anyways, Robert looks back down, thinking it must've been a coincidence.

He is in Jack's new home town, Brighton (a random number texted him exactly where he was) (it was Owen) and was obviously not expecting to see the green haired, God-like SENPAI anywhere. I mean, who knows - the mysterious text could've been a mysterious prank!

'Jack, Jack, over here!' another high pitched voice yells. Are you kidding? Why are people so annoying these days, trying to get Robert all excited about his SENPAI! Rude!

And then he sees him. The green haired God himself! JACK-FRICKIN-SEPTICEYE IS 10 FEET AWAY FROM HIM AHHHHHHH. But wait. Who's that girl?! Oh, wait, lol it's his girlfriend.

Robert suddenly feels rage overpowering his shyness and happiness. Girlfriend? NO. HE WANTED TO BE JACK'S GIRL . . . BOYFRIEND!

Robert marches over, but suddenly it's like his world is purple and he can't breathe and wait, what did Jack say?

'What's wrong with that guy? His hands are all clenched up and he's huddled over. Does he need an ambulance?'

Robert turns and runs away. He stands at a far enough distance from Jack so that his world isn't purple, but close enough so he can see his utter perfection.

Robert takes a conveniently placed listening device out of his pocket and zones in on a conversation.

'No, fuck YOU, Paul. You cheating piece of shit. I hope I never see you again.' Comes a random, not-Irish voice.

'Well, I'm sorry Linda! Maybe if you weren't away so much I wouldn't-' Robert moves the device. That was obviously the wrong conversation - and it was very awkward! Now, Robert has his device accurately focused and can hear his SENPAI.

He looks over to the small group of three huddled around Jack. Him, his girlfriend, a girl and a boy stand just a few feet away. Wait - one of those high pitched sounds came from a boy? Lmao he's a fuckboi (based on a true person. can confirm he is a fuckboy with a very high voice). The boy turns out to be named Josh, and the girl is called Sophia.

Their conversation is wrapped up quickly. Jack signs some autographs and takes a series of photos. He then walks away. Robert knows he should focus on where his beautiful SENPAI is going, but he finds himself glaring at Josh and Sophia. He feels a familiar rage build up inside him. It's similar to the way he feels - the way he felt - about Markiplier. HE WANTED TO KILL MARK AND HE'LL KILL THESE STRANGERS, TOO.

Jack has now gone. But it's no worry. Robert will get through to his good friend Owen somehow and obtain his new address! Instead of worrying about this now though, Robert needs to start staking the annoying strangers. The fuckboi and the snarky mean girl.

Robert follows the strangers for a while until . . . BANG!! Sophia gets run over by a run away food cart that randomly happened to be nearby. Robert can't tell if she's dead or not. A few minutes later, Josh screams. "She's stopped breathing!"

So, Sophia was dead and Robert couldn't be more happy. He was also quite pleased. "How easy. I didn't have to do a thing. I don't even have a speck of dirt or blood on my . . . large . . . hands." (wink wonk)

An ambulance comes soon after. Sophia is taken away and Josh goes with her, crying in the back. Robert secretly climbs on top and goes to the hospital with them.

After getting a nice cold cup of coffee, he finds Josh in a waiting room. He needs to kill this boy for talking to SENPAI. Not to mention, he needs to figure out just how to kill his SENPAI's girlfriend.

Nearby there is a changing room. A doctor goes through the door and Robert can see doctor's outfits inside. Perfect! He can get Josh to go into another room, and then kill him!

Quickly, without too many people noticing, Robert goes into the changing room (it ended up being a break room with a little locker room and a random rack of doctor coats?) and makes himself look like a doctor. He looks at the attached name tag. Well, apparently, his name is now Dr Parker (spiderman was here).

After this, he walks out to see Josh and tells him to follow him, as he has news about Sophia. Josh agrees. Lol, idiot.

First Robert takes Josh to a small doctors office. He asks him to stay outside while he grabs some "notes". He secretly goes in and instead gets POISON! He also picks up some tranquillising fluid and a syringe. It could come in handy later.

Robert takes him to the cafe. He gets him a cold cup of strong coffee. Josh was slightly confused as to why it was cold and tasted.. odd. As soon as half the cup was gone, Robert rushes him out of the cafe and into the Emergency Room. Almost as soon as Josh gets inside he kneels over and dies. "Just like that," Robert giggles, then smirks. Then he runs away.

Last chapter is the final and unfortunately Jack's girlfriend must be killed (I feel bad)

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