Born Into Darkness

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Bunny threw his boomerang to hit a nightmare that went after Jack. Jack jumped up, feeling relieved that bunny was there to help him. He ran down towards the street seeing pitch slowly standing to his feet. He raised his scythe from the ground and swung it around, almost hitting Tooth. North, Bunny, Tooth and Jack all cornered Pitch into the alley.

   "Nowhere to run now, Pitch." Jack said.

    Pitch chuckled, sinking into the ground as a shadow. They all saw the shadows, circling them on the buildings.

     "Jack look out!" Bunny shouted, throwing his boomerang at Pitch's scythe. Pitch dodged it easily. Jack turned around in time for the scythe to come down. Something white hot hit his side, making him go wide eye. He gasped, falling to the ground, his staff flown a few feet away from him as he made contact with the ground.

     "Jack!" Bunny shouted.

     Pitch laughed wickedly and watched as jack struggled. Pitch glanced back at the children. He grinned wildly and turned to see the struggling jack.

     "I would say sweet dreams, Jack. But there aren't any left." He chuckled. "Since I've gotten the strongest one out of the way. I bid you adieu." He said, disappearing into the shadows, although he didn't get far when he was knocked out of the shadows and to the ground by something familiar, making him fall a few feet from the guardians, unconscious.

  Jack held his pained side, gnawing his teeth together as a familiar golden sand appeared in his view. All the guardians seemed to forget about the writhing young Guardian of fun and saw that their lost, fallen friend had returned from the grave.

  Jack felt something snake into his side. While the others were distracted, he glanced down to see that black sand was snaking into the wound, making him panic. His veins burned, causing him to grunt and arch his back. His side burned and his heart ached as the corruption filled his stomach. He felt sweat on his forehead start to bead up.

  “Sandy! You are alive!” Tooth shouted.

  Jack started to burn on the inside, his eyes closed in pain his breathing was labored and he just wanted the pain to end, his tears starting to come out, when Jaime noticed the tears rolling off of Jack’s cheeks, he gasped.

  “Jack!” Jaime shouted.

  The rest of them looked over to see Jack was balling his fists and a dark crimson pile underneath him. They could see that Jack was in more pain than just the wound on his side. The Guardians rushed forward, but a dark chuckle came from behind them, stopping them dead in the middle of Jack and Pitch.

  “I wanted him out of the way, but this is quite a turn of events.” Pitch said, slowly standing as he takes in the hunched over Jack.

  “What did you do to him, Pitch?” Bunny shouted.

  Pitch smirked. “I simply tried to kill him, my nightmare sand, though, had other wicked ideas.” He smiled and looked at Jack who fell on his back, his eyes shutting and his hands clutching his chest as he curled up in fetal position. Ice started coming out of his feet, but it wasn't its normal blue color, it was black with a mix of dark purple. The snow on his jacket was starting to turn that color too, making Jack gasp.

  “Whats happening, North?!” Bunny shouted, watching Jack struggle with something they couldn't exactly explain.

  “I do not know.” North explained.

  “Pitch! Explain yourself dammit!” Tooth exclaimed, rushing up to him to grab his coat and menacingly glared at him.

  Pitch chuckled. “What does it look like, little fairy?” He asks.

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