Warning or Intimidation?

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The sand disappeared around Jack, and bright red walls came into veiw. He cleared his throat before looking around, noticing it was only him in the red room. He looked over to the corner to see Pitch standing there. Jack suddenly got a great idea. "You go back to the hide out. I got a way to make them fearful. May I, Sire?" Jack asked.

Pitch lifted a brow, but decided not to argue. "I guess I will. Don't let them catch you. I expect you back soon. If I don't, I will make an appearance."

"An appearance from you must be grand. This is a measly meeting. Save yours for a future rendezvous when they are fighting tooth and nail to rescue little ole me." Jack explained.

Pitch nodded, before disappearing into the shadows.

Jack gripped his staff and walked away from Pitch and into the giant room that revealed a globe and four members standing close to it.

Jack, for some reason felt like he knew them more than he should. He shook the feeling off and leaned on his staff, one hand in his pocket. He cleared his throat.

He saw the four turn, and their faces lit up. "Jack! What are you doing here! How did you escape Pi..." Tooth started, flying over to him before slowly stopping halfway.

"Tooth don't, look at em, he clearly isn't himself." Bunny said, reaching forward to clasp Tooths shoulder.

Jack just smirked. "That's no way to talk to a prince, Kangaroo." He articulated, throwing down his hood before crossing his legs.

"Excuse me?" Bunny huffed, puffing out his chest at Jack, who seemed completely unfazed at the gesture. "I am a bunny you big-eared clotpole!"

Jack just smirked, his half-lidded eyes made his grin rather unsettling to the big four. His eyes landed on Sandy who looked the most hurt at Jack's transition, but Jack obviously lost all memory of them and they still don't know the extent of the amnesia.

"That was a comeback? Seems even humanized animals are just as dull." Jack Boasted, his voice was low and monotone with a small hint of sarcasm thrown in.

Bunny was ready to pummel the teenager, if he didn't stop to notice the sand particles start to form around Jack, giving him almost a protective barrier. He glared at Jack.

"Why did you come here?" North asked, finally joining the conversation.

Jack took a second before placing his pointer finger on his crown. "Talking, what does it look like, Old man?"

"It looks like you came here to piss off the wrong four, mate." Bunny retorted, his paws closing tightly to his side.

Jack smirked. "More like warn. Or... intimidate?" He explained, tapping his fingers on his staff. "Pitch wanted me to tell you four that I am the new Nightmare Prince. I guess with my new found memory loss, he wants to take advantage of it, and I don't really care as long as I am able to hurt people. My finger is itching and he gave me reasons to scratch it." Jack finished, no longer leaning against his staff and is instead sitting on the floating piece of wood with his legs crossed in front of him. He leaned forward, one hand holding his chin as his elbow rested on his knee.

"So... you know that pitch is using you and you are still going to stay with him?! Why?" Bunny was shouting at this point, just trying to find the reason in Jack's madness.

Jack's glare darkened as he leaned forward, his smile much more sinister than any of the ones he has flashed have been. "Like I said before, Kangaroo. I like the freedom of being able to live in the dark. Death, pain and torture it is all the same to me. It is what I have been itching for and being with him, whether it be puppet or not, gives me the free reign to delve into that dark pleasure of my personality." Jack finished, his presence now giving off the an eerie feel, making the guardians shiver. Sandy glanced down at this hand and slowly started inching forward.

He had a theory and that was if he touched Jack, perhaps he could undo what Pitch did to him. Reaching forward, Jack sensed it and instantly formed an icicle mixed with nightmare sand, pointing it at the sandmans neck.

"Any closer, stubby, and you will drop like a fly." He threatened.

"Drop it Jack!" Tooth shouted desperately.

"Tell your golden pal to back away. Otherwise the itch will start with him." Jack taunted, bringing the icicle closer to his neck. Sandy saw that he wasn't joking and backed away to where he originally stood. Jack made the ice disappear, playing with the lingering sand as it weaved between his fingers.

"Good boy." He hopped down from his staff, and grabbed it, his cloak flowing slightly. "I just came to tell you the news. To drop in, so to say. With this lovely visit coming to a close, I bid you fellas a goodnight." He said, bowing before the sand started to envelope his feet and sprout upwards. They watched him disappear before standing there almost dumbstruck at the sudden coldness in the room.

"He... is the new Nightmare Prince? This is bad." Bunny explained, a few moment of silence finally broken.

"Not if we save him! He can't be completely gone! There has to be a way for us to bring him back!" Tooth shouted desperately.

Sandy tapped bunny and started making symbols up top of his head. At firat it was hard to piece together until he finally figured out just what the Golden boy was saying.

"Good idea Sandy!" North shouted, having deciphered the symbols as well.

"What?" Tooth asked, completely lost.

"Think about it tooth, when Sandy got close, Jack felt threatened. The kids touched his sand and it turned gold." Bunny explained.

Tooth thought about those and finally realized just what they were implying. "Sandy may be the only one to help Jack!" She shouted.

"Yes, and ve have to hurry. If Jack dives into t'e darkness, he vill hate himself vhen he comes to. He won't be able to forgive 'self." North explained, folding his arms.

"We need to figure out just how we are going to help him." Bunny thought. "And fast."

They nodded before going to the office to discuss further plans, unaware of who was listening as the last bit of sand slithered away.

A/N: *scratches nervously* uh... here's the update you guys have been waiting for! Hope you guys enjoy!

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