Chapter 1 - Moving In

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I'm not really going to be specific about where the college if for now, I imagined it in L.A. but it really doesn't matter.

Tessa P.O.V.

I guess I'm leaving. It's hard to believe that after everything that's happened in high school, I can just leave. Just like that. It's not all that hard to leave school, I guess. It's not like I had many close friends other than Sophie, and she's going to live with her boyfriend Gideon. We'll be in the same college, though.

What I'm most worried about is my brother, Nate, and our Aunt. Don't get me wrong, I love my family to pieces and I trust them. It's just that Nate can be really irresponsible and Aunt Harriet is sick. Really sick.

Of course, I tried to just convince her to let me stay here, but she would have none of it. She said that if I didn't go, I might as well throw both of our lives away because we both know that Nate can't take care of her long term.

That's  why I am visiting her right before I leave. For months I looked up the area I'll be staying in and found a few jobs that might be interesting and hopefully pay well. If all goes as planned, I should have no trouble mailing the  money to her.

I shake myself out of my thoughts as I walk into her room. My Aunt Harriet has always been a strong woman, and seeing her like this is so difficult. She's pale and there are deep bags under eyes. It's really easy to see that she has visibly gotten thinner, her ribs poking out. "Aunt?" I whisper, knocking on the door while already opening it.

"Yes,  honey?" she answers, her voice is shaking. I can't believe that this is the lady that has raised me since I was a child. I know she may die soon, I just hope that she can hang on for as long as possible. Doctors say that they're working hard on the problem and that they hope to make a breakthrough in within a few years.

Really, it could be as soon as tomorrow. No matter how long it takes, I just pray that she is here for it. "My flight is in a few hours and I wanted to say good bye right before I have to leave. Are you sure you're okay with me leaving?" I ask, making sure one last time that I couldn't convince her to let me help her.

I know she won't ask me to stay for her, I knew that when I walked into the room and I know it now, as I sit down on one of the hard chairs beside her bed and take her hand. "You know I can manage. Go make a life for yourself. We'll be fine. Do me a favor, though, do find a nice husband. I'd like nieces and nephews. Something to live for. Please, darling." she pleads.

I roll my eyes in spite of myself. When I was in high school, she acted as if me even touching a boy was the work of demons, and now she wants me to have kids. It's good, though, it means she has something to hold onto. Still...

"We'll just have to see, Aunt Harriet, right now I'd like to focus on my studies. If I meet someone in the meantime, then I meet someone." I assure. Aunt Harriet's face falls slightly, but she still smiles. "Well, then. Remember to be a lady, though. A proper young lady, and promise me you'll be happy." she reminds me.

Aunt Harriet's etiquette lessons never stopped. From age five, I have been educated on how to be a proper lady. A few of those lessons have stuck, and others have failed to stay with me for more than the week I needed them specifically. I must say, I am quite proud of my posture. Perfectly straight.

I check my watch and see that it's time to go. "I promise. I have to go now, if I want to be on schedule, but I'll call you as soon as I get settled into my apartment." I say, kissing her hand. Before I gather up my things and leave, she whispers, "Good bye, I'll miss you. Now, hurry! You must be on time. A lady is always on time."

After a few more good byes, I'm out of the room. Sadly, I have no clue where Nate might be. He has a bit of a gambling problem, so he can be gone for days at a time. I get in my car and drive to the airport, ready to start a new adventure.

The wait to board the airplane is one is the most boring parts of flying. While waiting, I pull out a collection of Tennyson poems out for a reread. Personally, I love classics more than any other type of book. That's not to say I don't like other types of books too, though. I still enjoy Harry Potter, the Hunger Games series, and other books like that.

Most of my suitcases are just books, and I'm having even more sent to me soon. Soon, the plane is boarding and I place a book mark into my book and put it in my carry on bag. I take a deep breath and think of some favorite characters. I just need to be brave and embrace adventure like them.

A few minutes after I boarded the plane, it took off. I took out my book and turned to Frater Ave Atque Vale. "Fare and farewell, brother." I whisper out the window as I see my home grow further and further away from me.

The ride there is only around and hour and a half long, and then the plane lands. When I exit the airport, I can't help but be in awe of the city. I'm used to rural New York, we just have a lot of cows and farms. The city is amazing. It's busy and it has this life that I can't explain.

The apartment I found online is just like the picture Sophie sent me. She's the one who told me about these apartments. The building is pretty standard brick, and I'm pretty sure that it's built up of a ton of studio apartments, judging by the rent.

I walk up to the second floor of the apartments and find my room, number 11. Apartment 12 doesn't sound like anyone is in, so I guess I'll have to wait until later to meet the neighbors. Or neighbor.

I don't have a library yet, so I stack all of my books beside each other. I brought an air mattress and the place has several outlets, so I don't think I'll go to the store yet. I begin unpacking, and realize that I forgot to call Aunt Harriet. "I'll start the air mattress and then call her." I say to myself.

I plug the air mattress in and then dial the phone number. "Hello this is Tessa Gray, I'd like to connect to Harriet in room 203." The nurse speaks to a few people, all very muffled, and then transfers me over. The phone is filled with white noise as she picks up the phone.

"Tessa? How did you do coming in?" Aunt Harriet asks, concern lacing her voice. I can feel a slight wave of guilt and home sickness flowing over me. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. I've settled in already. Sorry I forgot to call you sooner."

Harriet immediately transforms into a years younger version of herself. "No, no, love. I'm completely fine my darling, I absolutely understand, moving into a new place is so exciting!" Harriet cheers. It makes me smile, the brightness she shines is in a special way my piece of home. Honestly, though, it feels good in a horrific way to be away. The responsibility of taking care of a family so young has taken a toll on me. Of course, it is unfair to say that it's not a responsibility I love. I would do anything for my family.

"Listen, love, I've got some tests to run at the moment. Go explore and get your belongings together and try to meet your neighbors or something. Kisses, bye!" Aunt Harriet coos. "Bye!" I exit, turning off the call. Looking around me, I remember that I need a job. Of course, I have my books and all of the clothes I need, but I only have so much saved for food and such and I want to not have to use the full amount of student loans.

Sighing, I lock up taking only my phone and wallet with me. As I walk out I turn and almost run into a man, around 6'2 with black hair. He seems pretty well built, at least well built enough to carry the girl he's making out with. I tap his shoulder and ask, "Sorry to bother you, but I need to walk through. Would you guys mind going into your room or something?"

The man turns to me and winks and I can see his violet blue eyes. They're beautiful. Of course, this is all completely destroyed when he speaks. "You sure you don't want to join?" he propositions, opening the door widely. The girls just giggles and continues to suck on his neck.

"No, thank you." I say, disgusted by the ungentlemanliness. He just closed his door, and I was left to hope I never had to speak to my neighbor again.

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