Chapter 2 - Best job... Oh wait.

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Tessa P.O.V.

I shook off my earlier encounter with the lude neighbor and began walking around. After walking for a block or so, I saw a book store/coffee  shop called "Books and Brews" (A.N. This is a 100 percent stolen name of a coffee shop I've been to. It was amazing and if you ever find yourself in West Virginia, you should google the name.) When I walked in, a little bell rung and I saw a wall of books.

"Hello, welcome to Books and Brews." a woman called. She had long black hair and dark blue eyes. For some reason she reminded me of someone, but I couldn't place my finger on who. The woman allowed me to look around for a bit, and I explored the books. Each wall near the entrance had book shelves lining it, and they were filled to the top with classics, mysteries, general fiction books, and more. One wall was painted with chalkboard paint and various doodles could be seen from customers and workers.

After exploring, I walk up to the bar. "I'd like to order a mocha, please." I say, handing her a five dollar bill. She takes the money and gives me my change before going to make the drink. In the corner of the booth, I see a small sign.

"Are you still hiring?" I ask, this would be the perfect place to work. "Yeah," the lady replies, handing me my coffee, "Are you looking for a job?" I finally notice her nametag. It says Cecily Herondale. I look at her, "Yes, I am Cecily, where are your applications?"

Cecily looks surprised for a minute and then looks down at her name tag. "They're right here," she says, pointing to a pile of papers, "I always forget that I have this name tag on when customers come in. Here's a paper. If you want, It's almost closing time and I don't have anywhere to be. Do you want to go fill that out and do the interview today? You're our only applicant, but the boss says everyone needs an interview."

"Sounds great, thank you. My name is Tessa." I introduce. I take the papers over and fill them out. It's rather easy, but I don't have a resume. "Cecily, I'm sorry. I don't have a resume with me." I exclaim. Cecily chuckles, "I don't mind, we'll pretend you have it and you can bring it tomorrow. We're pretty low on help and you seem like you're in need of a job. The only other people that work here are Charlotte and Henry Branwell, the owners, and my twin brother."

I laugh with her, happy that she is so friendly. This job seems so perfect, it's almost unreal. A few more customers come in, grabbing a coffee and leaving quickly. When it's time to close up, I've filled out all of the papers, so I help Cecily put everything up.

Cecily asked me a few questions as to my past work history, education level, the college I was going to currently, and other general interview questions. About half an hour went by before Cecily was pretty much wrapped up.

"Can you come into work tomorrow?" Cecily asks. School doesn't start until next week, so I don't have much to do until then. "Yes." I reply. Cecily looks at her computer and states, "Oh yeah, no school for another week. I'll send you schedule for the week and you can go ahead and pick the shifts you want. Will will just pick last. Serves him right for stealing my coffee this morning. I mean we work in a coffee shop. How hard is it to make another pot?"

"I can understand difficult brothers, believe me. I'm going to go ahead home now. Thank you so much." I say, exiting the shop. The walk back to my apartment was pretty uneventful, despite it being late. A bit scary of course, but I've been walking out late for most of life so no big deal.

When I walk into my apartment, I go ahead and check the email Cecily sent me, replying back with the shifts I want. Honestly, I just take most of them, considering I'll be down on my rent soon if I don't get a roommate. Fun. I go to buy my needed textbooks and then I call Aunt Harriet to say good night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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