Chapter 10

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We set off at a relatively slow pace, but I can tell that she’s ridden a lot in the past. She barely has to hold the reins, yet her horse seems to know exactly which way to go through the daunting, dark trees.

“What’s his name?”

“He is actually a she,” she responds with a smile. “I don’t have a name for her.”

My eyebrows furrow at that. How strange.

“Why not?”

“I’ve never had to use one. She’s a very intuitive horse and will do what I ask without contest,” she says with a mischievous glint in her eye.

“The perfect woman then,” I point out, catching up with her and slowing Taric down to match their gait. Our knees could almost be touching and I can see the blush rising in her cheeks, making me laugh out loud.

“Are you jesting with me?” She pouts her lips, giving me the urge to lean over and kiss her, but I restrain myself.

“Of course.”

She sighs and tightens her grip on the reins as we enter a denser part of the forest. Even though it’s morning, one would think it’s night time and the rays of light pushing their way through the leaves could be light from the moon.

We continue on in silence for quite some time. The air is warming up somewhat and I soon find that I can remove my jacket. Shae pushes her hood down and her eyes flick over to me again as she’s been doing periodically. Our gazes lock and her teeth bite into her lower lip before she looks away. I just chuckle to myself and choose to say nothing, not wanting to upset her again by mistake.

As we move into even denser foliage, we have to go single file, me in front, hacking at the greenery to create a small path for us to squeeze through. It’s hard work and I can feel moisture dampening my back, causing my shirt to stick to my warm skin. Every now and then I have to pause to regain my breath. I have to keep reminding myself that not too long ago I was still in bed, unable to even stand.

“We’re almost there,” Shae mutters, resting a hand on my arm as I stop for another breather. “Since we went through this way, we’ve cut hours off of our travels. The town we seek is a few miles away.”

“And that’s where Jules is?”

“No. That’s where we’ll be staying the night. The castle that Jules is in is another five hour’s worth of riding.”

“What? I don’t understand how she was able to get so far, especially in the storm.”

Shae doesn’t respond straight away and I can see her shift uncomfortably in her saddle and her eyes turn away from me.

“That most likely wasn’t the case,” she whispers.

“What do you mean?”

“She was probably picked up from the side of the road and taken captive,” she replies carefully. “They would have taken her there.”

“Tell me more about this place,” I growl, my displeasure for these people growing by the second and causing my blood to boil.

“It’s not pleasant. Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure,” I snap. “I’m not a child; I can handle it!”

“Okay Robert. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

I take a deep breath to steady my growing rage. I don’t want to take it out on her, but I always seem to and it makes me feel like the biggest ass in the whole world. Especially when her eyes fill with a mixture of fear and sadness. It pulls at me in ways I’ve never felt before and I regret my outburst almost immediately.

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