Chapter 1- New beginings

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Hi this is my first story I absolutely love reading especially on wattpad. After practice writing my friends read over my short stories and said like omg u should so write and here we are hope u like it!!!

Summer's P.O.V ( Above photo is Summer)
"Mum!!" I screamed, resulting in a thud across the hall.

"Guess your brother's up" Mum says with a satisfied smirk on her face. There's one thing you need to understand about my Mum, 1) She loves teasing me and my brother 2) She doesn't give a fuck how pissed we are.

"Summeer!! Shut the Fuck up!" Shouted my brother Ryan, making my mum run into his room and slapping him on the back. There's a rule that most families follow known as NO SWEARING. That mum takes too serious.
"OOWW!! Mum, I get it we're not allowed to swear and that, but what do you except when I live with that elephant, you call a daughter!" Said my brother loud enough for me to hear.
"OOW!, what is with the woman in this house hitting me, I know you love me and all but this isn't flattering it fu--, I mean flipping hurts!!" Says Ryan in a very pissed tone. That earned two very menacing glares.

"Well, what did you expect you may be living with an 'elephant' but you messed with wrong 'elephant' " I reply leaving the room to get ready. " Unlike you I have better things to do than argue on a Monday morning!" I shout as I slam my door.


"Bye mom! Bye dork!" I shout as I close the doors getting my keys to my new car, my baby and I swear if my car was a sexy, hot guy with a 6 pack. I would toottally marry it!

 I would toottally marry it!

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Weird child

Who said that?

Your conscience idiot, who else is going to point out your stupidity

Don't call me an idiot and by calling me an idiot your a idiot you know!

I know it's the sad but honest truth


Do you ever get those moments when your talking with yourself and your like I really need an off switch for the inner voice.

Your never gonna find one 'smirks'

I really need some caffeine in my blood right now and to my luck I spot costa. Yessss!

I've just parked my car and I don't see that many people. Oh well at least I ain't late and I have time to go to the reception now. I head inside and see the receptionist right at the the front, probably in her 30s or 40s.

"Hi, My names Summer Anderson. I'm new." I say as the receptionist looks up at me giving me a smile so wide. I wouldn't be surprised if her face split in two.

"Hello, sweetheart I was expecting you" she says while bending to get something. "Here you are sweetie, you have your timetable, locker number and code" She says while giving it to me.
"Thank you, it was nice meeting you" I say walking out and to my locker.
"And you too dear!" She shouts from behind me as I leave.

Finally I find my locker and open it, putting the stuff, I don't need inside. Which is quite hard when you have coffee in one hand and balancing your stuff in the other. It's really not Monday with out something happening you know, so guess what happened next, yupp.

As I just closed my locker and I fell or should I say the hard wall that hit me knocked me to the floor and as I looked up, I not only noticed that my coffee had drenched his chest, but I noticed those green intense orbs that seem to be pulling me in, that and the fury in his eyes suggesting this is going to be interesting.

OMG finally I posted my first chapter, I'm excited to see what you guys think. Remembers comment and vote! I want to know what you think!!

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