Chapter 3 - I want to murder my conscience

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Hey Guys I'm back!! I'm sorry 4 the long wait, but I'd rather write chapters that I took my time and thought about, then give you a rushed piece of shit. So here are 2 new chapters 2 my amazing supportive fans :)
Dedicated to Cassie_8411

Summer's P.O.V ( Jade pic above)

Wow well done Summer, not even 1 hour into school and already you are causing trouble

Hey, it's not my fault, that arrogant asshole started it!!

Yh well you should've ended it.
I mean just because he doesn't have a brain, doesn't mean you don't. Idiot

That's so uncalled for, since you were the one who said 'Woman up Summer'

I didn't mean 4 u to bite his head off u idiot!! You could've just said fuck off and walked away Summer, it's not that hard!!

"Mr Grate! Mr Grate, can I have a moment of your time please?" Says a feminine voice from behind and soon  comes into view a middle aged women with short brown hair and thick black rimmed glasses that make her brown eyes much wider.

"Ah, Mrs Crakkit we were just coming to see you. We have a new student joining us today and may I introduce Summer Anderson" Replies Mr Grate as if presenting an award he just won.
" Why don't you go in ahead Summer, Mrs Crakkit will join you once I'm done talking with her. Just through there" Says Mr Grate pointing towards a door

As I go towards the door and I open it immediately I'm filled with loud chatter of the classroom, but as I come into view the noise dies down and 30 pairs of judgmental eyes lay open me. Just as I am thinking that I probably won't make any friends, my eyes lay upon a blonde haired girl, who hasn't noticed my presence and as if she just heard my thoughts, she looks up and I'm captivated by her beautiful grey eyes. The blonde girl gives me a warm, welcoming smile and gestures towards the seat next her, without a second thought I go and sit beside her.

" Hi my names Summer Anderson and I just moved here from London"
I say introducing myself and returning the smile she gave.

"Nice to meet you Summer, my name is Jade Smith and I hope you enjoy your first day" replies Jade and I can immediately tell we are gonna be great friends!!

"Well so far it was okay ( if you call arguing with very first person you talk to okay), but that now seems to be getting better, but... do you know why everyone keeps staring at me??" I ask Jade, normally I wouldn't care, but they're getting annoying now.

"You haven't seen it yet?? Oh wait your new.. So you don't know... Ohhh, okay one moment" Jade answers leaving me confused at her baffled words. She takes her phone out and searches something, then shows me the screen, that answers my previous question.

It's a gossip column and the front page news is highlighted in bold capital letters as:

" Oh my god!! Not even a whole school day and already this much attention!!
Seriously does this person have no life that they need to write about a petty argument!!" I shout, furious at the idiot who wrote this.

This is what you get Summer, you should've just told the guy to Fuck off!!

Hey!! That's low you were the one to tell me to fight back, remember "Woman up Summer"

Idiot!! That meant you stand up for yourself, tell the guy to get lost and you walk way!!!!

Well you should have said that!

"Hello?? Summer, are you listening??" Jade asks, snapping me out my mental debate, flapping her hands at my face.

"Sorry.. I kinda zoned out.. What are you doing?" I asked Jade, confused at her current behavior.

" Trying to get your attention" She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. " Anyways... as I was saying, your one brave chick going against Aiden like that!" She exclaims excitedly.

"That douche had it coming anyway, I mean come on I just spilled coffee and it was ACCIDENT!!" I reply back to Jade, emphasizing the word "accident".

"I'm not doubting he probably did, but still be careful Summer. He's the type of guy you don't want to mess with" Jade states concerned for me.

"Oh yeah?, What type of guy is he?" I say cockily. BIG MISTAKE. When they say karma is a bitch, they mean it people, because just then that jerk Aiden Jackson walks in with all his stupid glory. You would have to be blind to not notice the change in atmosphere as Aiden arrived, immediately all the girls (except me and Jade) stick their chest out and went into a dreamy haze staring at the ass whole. The guys no better, got more tense and tried to look more macho, while glaring at the two guys who came in. Epic fail.

"Hey dude, why are you late??" Shouts a boy behind us and just as his friend says that Aiden looks my way giving me a smirk.

"Had to go nurse's office, because somebody thought it would be a great idea to burn me with hot scalding coffee." Aiden answers as he walks to the sit behind me and sits down.

"Just ignore him, don't be provoked " whispered Jade from beside me and it took all my self restraint not to turn around, and slap him.

"Woah, who did you make that mad? Are you alright?" His friend asks, chuckling at his friend in amusement, not even a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm alright, just got to be glad that it wasn't acid or anything, but still she was still heartless enough to throw coffee all of me" Aiden replies in mock hurt.

"Come on, it was just coffee for goodness sakes!! I said I was sorry and it was accident!! I just burnt your chest not all of you" I shout back at him, not even bothered to turn around and face that idiot.

"Yeah right, I think we all know that you purposely spilled that coffee, just to get my attention. Just admit it your attracted towards me, new girl" Aiden answers arrogantly, I don't need to turn around to know that he's probably smirking.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm definitely attracted to the handsome jerk behind me, but I'm never gonna admit that.

"As if, who would want your presence let alone your attention and I'm NOT attracted to you, the only thing attracted to you are flies, because flies are normally attracted to trash right?"
Now it was me with a smirk and jade sent me a wink my way, indicating that I most likely got my wanted reaction from Aiden.

Before Aiden could reply, Mrs Crakkit came back in." Alright class books out and today we have a new student joining us, Summer Anderson" Says Mrs Crakkit pointing towards my direction and I give her a polite smile.

The moment Ms turned her back Aiden and I had started again. This is definitely going to be a interesting lesson.


Hope u guys enjoyed that!!
Don't worry there's still more to come!!!! :)

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