Chapter 5- How stupid can you be?

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I dedicate this chapter to Ayshaawesome111

Summer's P.O.V
Turns out I have at least one of them in all my lessons. I just had Chemistry and now it's Lunch, I'm going to the canteen with Phee. Phee is a very hyper girl, she's the
'Live in the moment' type, all through the lesson she wouldn't stop talking and to be honest neither could I 😁😁😁

"The others texted that they'll meet us there, so tell me a bit about yourself?" Phee asked curiously.

"Well.. there's not much to say really, umm... I'm 17, my birthday is the 3rd of July, I was born in London and have 1 younger brother." I reply trying not to tell her too much. Knowing too much only puts you in danger and secrets are dangerous.

"Huh, so your the youngest in our group that means and I'm pretty sure your from England not London, since that accent is a bit of a giveaway

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"Huh, so your the youngest in our group that means and I'm pretty sure your from England not London, since that accent is a bit of a giveaway." States Phee and I just stare at her, as her stupidity amazes me. This isn't the first stupid thing she has said something like this. In chemistry, she asked me why their were three main topics in french and told her there wasn't, you know what she said?? She called my an idiot and said where do you think biology, chemistry and physics come from!!! I mean seriously, she can't be that stupid!! 😔

"Uhh, Phee London is in England, you know" I say truly fascinated by the utter stupidity of my friend beside me "You know what forget it" I say " If I try explaining anything to you I'm gonna lose brain cells and I'll turn into you" I mumble, but by her her laugh, I know she heard.

"You didn't actually think I was stupid did you?" Said a chuckling Phee. " I knew that England is in London" Says Phee and this time I'm laughing so hard, that tears are coming out my eyes and by the time we get to the canteen, I'm pretty sure I look like a crazed lunatic.

"Oh my god, Summer!!! Are you okay?? Is she okay? What happened Phee??" Questions Alex worriedly, looking between me and Phee, the others right on her trail. As I calm myself down, Phee replays the conversation to the girls and by the end of it, all of us except Phee are laughing holding are stomachs.

"What?? Im soo confused 😐 What's so funny??" Asks a very annoyed Phee.

"Seriously Phee??, I don't get how your a grade A student and still manage to such stupid things?" Says Samantha still chuckling. I immediately stop laughing, shock evident on my face.

Grade A Student??

Jade notices my expression, " I know she doesn't seem like a Grade A student, init?" Asks Jade.

Jade notices my expression, " I know she doesn't seem like a Grade A student, init?" Asks Jade

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"You think that?" Says Phee narrowing her eyes at me. Whoops 😬. It's not even a whole school day and already I'm gonna lose my new friends, thank to my mouth.

See this is why you have to listen to me!!

Umm.. did I ask for your opinion?!
I don't think so!!!

Plzzz.... you'd sooner be dead without me, I subconsciously make you smarter you know

As if, if anything you make me dumber, you stupid conscience!!!😡😡

Haha!! That's how dumb you are, you just called yourself stupid, Stupid!!😆😆


"Summer, Summer.... SUMMER!!!" Alex shouts at me gainers no my attention.

"Sorry... I zoned out again" I answer sheepishly.

"You zone out way too much girl" States Phee as we walk to the line to get our food," I have no idea how you managed to get so much work done while zoning out every 5 seconds" Continues Phee thoughtfully.

"Oh so we have a smartass here do we!!! Smart and sassy your definitely a match!!" Says Samantha excitedly, gaining my curiosity.

"What do you mean?" I ask her curious and anxious to where this conversation may lead.

"Well.... you see.... you know what happened in the morning.." Jade answers nervously.

"Yeah, with that douche Aiden... What about it??" I ask wanting to know more.

This time Alex is the one to answer. 
"Well...everyoneattheschooltjinkyourtheonewhoisgonnatamehisheart" Answers Alex in a really fast voice.

"What??... I didn't get a word of that"
I say confused staring at her. I spot a clear table for us to sit at, right in the center of the hall. I walk towards it and sit down.

"What are you doing?!!! You can't sit their!!" Shouts Phee worriedly.

"Why not? We all have space, I not that fat you know" I joke at her and in turn get a chuckle from them.

"Your not fat, Summer!! This is the their table, the Populars!! Aiden's table!" Replies Samantha slightly nervous.

"Yh and I care about this because...." I ask in a bored tone and my friends seem taken back by my response.
"Seriously guys, just chill! You don't need to worry, so what if he's a popular??" I assure them. I mean seriously this guy sounds like such a dick.

"But Su--" Starts Phee, but gets cut by Alex. " She's right you know" Answers Alex supporting me and sitting next to me, making me smile and her returning the smile.

"I agree with them, who cares what that retard thinks" Agrees Jade and also sits down. We face the 2 other girls waiting for them, they sigh and finally sit down making me grin at them.

"See nothing happened, now just chill and eat! K 😀" I say happily, but I spoke to soon. What can you say Fate is Cruel and Karma is a bitch who enjoys torturing me.

" GET OFF MY TABLE RIGHT NOW!!!" Shouts a voice making us look up at the devil, who dare disturb my lunch.

"Shit" I hear Samantha and Phee say beside me.

Can this day get any better

Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update 🙁I've been revising so much this holiday that I just about have some time on wattpad!!😢😢😢 and the fact that I'm going to be in YR11 with GCSEs to look forward to doesn't help! So I won't be able to post as much but I'll do my best, since this and music are my only escape!!
Hope u enjoyed it!! Vote and Comment! Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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