Chapter 4

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Excuse Me Come Again Say What?!

"I want us to have a pillow fight! " he said with a grin. Oh no he didn't.

" You woke me up for a stupid pillow fight?! " I growled.

" Yup, " he said just before throwing the pillow. I got up from the floor and gave one battle cry." Cockadoodledoo! " I yelled before chasing him around the room.

" Grandma Mazey can run faster than you, " he teased.

" The old woman has arthritis! "

" I'll tell her you called her old. "

" My allowance for the next three months to keep your mouth shut. "

" Deal, " he said just before I hit him with a pillow. Hard. In the face. Twice.

" You broke my nose. With a pillow! " he sobbed. I paid no attention to him as I danced around the room victoriously.

" What the rooster are you two doing up at three in the morning? " a voice said from behind. I whipped my head around to see Emily at the door.

" The real question, dear sister, is how'd you get in here? "

" I have the master key, " she replied proudly.

" Hey that's mine! "

I was sleeping later that day when I felt a sudden coolness enter the bed. I opened my eyes to see Ricky grinning in front of me. With the bucket from which he had poured the water on me." Arise and shine, sleepy head. "

" A gentle pat on the back would have woken me. "

" Tried that. Even slapped you a few dozen times. You didn't budge."

"Okay then. Lemme change from these and we can go have breakfast. "

" It's 4pm."

"Right. I knew that. " he stared at me.

" Won't you get changed? "

" Won't you get out first? "

" Right. " he said before he left. I got a tank top on and shorts. Then headed downstairs barefoot. What I saw I didn't expect. There was Ricky kissing the Yankson girl in a conner. And there was the adopted one discussing plants with Andre. These people live in my house now. I groaned. I headed over to the conner and cleared my throat rather loudly.

"Um hey Andy, " Ricky said blushing." This is -"

"I know who she is, " I cut him off. The Yankson girl was as red as her hair. I couldn't help but chuckle at the embarassed couple. Or whatever they were." So, are you two a thing? "

" Yes. "

" No. " the Yankson girl said just as Ricky said yes." I mean we haven't gotten that far yet. "
" Okay then. Ricky, what's the plan for today? "

"You mean the plan for what's left of the day," he corrected.

"Right. "

" I was thinking about having se-"

"Don't finish that, " I warned.

" With Mary over here, " I looked as the Yankson girl whose face had become redder than a tomato. I knew where this was headed. End it was gonna end badly.

" How about we just watch T. V? " I offered.

" Sure. I have something to tell you anyways, " Ricky began.

" Go on. "

" As you know, we're back in school on Monday, and we're planning on throwing an end of summer party. Only you're throwing the party. "

" Speaking of parties, what happened to that party at your house yesterday? Why did it not happen? "

" Oh it happened. I just decided not to invite you. "

" What?! " I growled. Ricky backed more into the wall.

" You see, Lottie Greene called and canceled, and I knew you would kill me if you showed up and she was not present. So I decided not to invite you. "

" Smart choice, Longfellow. Smart choice. "

" Whose Longfellow? " the Yankson girl asked. Ricky motioned for me to keep quiet.

" You see, dearie, Longfellow is Rick's last name, " I said, earning myself a glare from Rick. The Yankson girl only laughed.

" So what's his first name? Albert? "

" Right you are, dearie. "

" You must be kidding. "

"Nah I'm goating."

"Huh? " she said with Ricky at the same time.

" See a goat's babies are called kids. So when you say kidding, I usually reply goating, " I explained.

" That's not funny, Patty, " Ricky said grinning.

" Whose-"

"That's Andy's first name, " this time Ricky was the one being glared at.

"But he's male. How can-"

"The full name is Patrick, "I said before Ricky made a joke with my name." And I thought we were headed to the man cave go watch T. V. "

" I'll go get the sodas, " Ricky offered.

" I'll go order pizza, " I said.

" And I'll get the glitter, " the Yankson girl offered.

" I'm pretty sure it's called a man cave, not a unicorn poop center. "

" Unicorn poop? "

" That's Andy's name for glitter, " Ricky explained as he went to get the sodas.

" That's a huge T. V, " the Yankson girl said as we entered the man cave. The T. V was pretty huge since it was well over a hundred inches. A few minutes later, our pizza was delivered to us. The pizza reminded me of something, but I couldn't remember what. I gobbled up all my coke in one gulp and opened another can which I sipped. "Say Ricky, how much do you think that party will cost me?"
"Not much. About six thousand dollars. " The Yankson girl choked on her pizza as I did the spit take on Ricky.

" Excuse me come again say what?! "

A/n: nine hundred words. Yay. See ya next chapter. Also, go read my friend's book when you have time. It's called Twin Switch. Catchy name, I know. If you're not a fan of magical books, go read it. It will change your view completely. Dream of me, if you're female of course.

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