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              STRIKE ONE

The police asked to see our parents or guardian. We told them our parents were on a trip and we were by ourselves (we did not want to include our mental grandmother in this issue). The only option was to video call our parents.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Dad said through the screen,making a face. It did not take a genius to figure out he was not happy about the situation. He kept threatening the police and saying 'wattpad inappropriate ' words. "I leave for a few weeks and Giovanni is about to murder my children?" he began his rant again. "I mean why the hell didn't you guys arrest him when you asked for his name? How come the entire police force cannot find one person ? Is it money you need? I got loads of that."

   The police officer ,Kemuel by name,raised an eyebrow. He jotted something in his notepad and asked a very sensible question:"Sir,how did you know the criminal was called Giovanni?"

    Dad gulped,seeming scared then surprised. He laughed nervously and said,"I found his name on your website."

      The police officer seemed unconvinced, but nodded anyway,bringing what would be an interrogation to an end. He asked if he could take his leave,seeing as Ricky's dad had fallen asleep in an armchair next to him. Just as he made for the door,he clutched his stomach,fell to the ground ,and started writhing in pain. He tried to speak ,but no words came out. Awakening from all the commotion, Ricky's dad bolted from his seat to look at his companion. You could see panic written all over his face as he tried to save his collegue. The three of us (Andre,Ricky ,and I)stood frozen in place. I have seen many horror movies,but nothing compares to having such a scene play out right in front of your eyes. The scary thought that the person you had just been talking to could just stop. He would be lifeless. He would not hear or see you, would not be able to talk back ,he would be dead. A hard shove snapped me back to reality, awaking me from my stupor. I took in what was happening. The commotion. The fear. The panic. Mere minutes later , the EMT'S and paramedics came through, trying to attend to the officer. I watched as they carried him onto a bed, shoved him in the back of an ambulance,and sped off,the anti-poisoning ambulance in tow.

     My brother,my best friend,and I followed after in Ricky's van. It was a tough chase,seeing as every vehicle parted like the Red Sea for the ambulance,but would not let us through. Sooner than later though,we made it into the hospital. The place was crowded with the media,the victim's family,and the police. I watched as another policeman interrogated Ricky's dad. It was from him that I heard the officer had been poisoned,probably from a sandwich he had eaten at my house. Who could have poisoned a sandwich, and how? As the question ran through my mind ,I remembered something. I had asked for a sandwich earlier today. The person who poisoned it must have done so in hopes of killing me,but had mistakenly delivered it to the cop instead when I was long gone. I shook my head at the thought.

Don't think like that.

It was all my fault.

And he's thinking like that.

Had I stayed at home,maybe this innocent officer might not be battling for his life right now. Maybe he would be home with his family,eating some warmed up dinner that got cold because he returned home late. Maybe I would be in his place,battling for my life. I know I should not be feeling guilty about this,but that one maybe tells me otherwise. I sat on the floor of the corridor in the hospital, just outside officer Kemuel's room. I ran my hand through my locks and sighed heavily, wishing this mess that had barely started would come to an end already. I ran three fingers through my hair one more time,and rested my head on the wall.

"You know it's not your fault,right ?" my twin's voice asked softly from next to me. Whenever he uses this soft,tender voice it means we are going to have a heartwarming talk where we open up about everything going on. I rolled my eyes,even though he would not be able to see it seeing as he sat with his back faced to mine. It's not like I don't need the talk( not that talk if you're wondering ),I'm just not the type of guy that opens up easily. I'm not sure any guy on earth is that type of guy. Any guy apart from my twin that is. This time though, I'm going to say something. I'm actually going to say something. "You're weird," I said finally. He just shrugged,not bothering to deny it. I went on," We're brothers,not brother and sister. You know I usually tune out during your heartwarming speeches ,but you still make them. You know I won't open up and say what's wrong or cry on your shoulders(for obvious reasons ),but you still offer to talk. Why?"

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