Chapter Five

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                  MORE NEIGHBORS

"Please? "

" No, " I told Ricky for the thousandth time. I was definitely not spending six thousand dollars on a party. Rich isn't a synonym for stupid.
" It is, " the Yankson girl said in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Reading my thoughts, she quickly added,                    " You were thinking out loud."
I had totally forgotten her existence as I tried to focus on watching the movie and telling Ricky no. It seemed the dark-haired boy had finally given up. I relaxed, and took a sip if my coke. Silence. The one thing I always wanted but didn't enjoy.

" So why are we watching Alice in Wonderland again? " I asked, realizing that had been showing the whole time.

" Because I said so, " the Yankson girl said in a calm yet intimidating voice. It was spooky to say the least. The redhead had her head on my lap. Wait. MY LAP." What's ya head doing in my lap? "I asked more confused than angry.

" Oh sorry." she immediately sat up and leaned away from me in the sofa.

"Everybody. Shhhh! My favorite part of the movie. Alice is about to slay the Jabberwocky, " Ricky clapped his hands together.

" What's a Jaggermonkey? " I asked struggling to pronounce the word.

"It's not Jaggermonkey, Jabberwocky. It's that beast Alice is fighting," Ricky said in a high pitched voice. "Off with your head!"  he finished as the girl chopped the monster's head off. He clapped his hands together happily. Which had me and the  Yankson girl stating. "What? It's my favorite movie. And book. And cartoon. And-" 

"We get it, Ricky! " I interrupted." But of all the movies you could have  chosen, Alice in Wonderland? "

" Oh stop it. Your favorite movie is Disney's Frozen. "I glared at him. The Yankson girl indicated for him to run.      " Three second head start? "

" One! " I growled. He darted across the sofa, and out of the mancave.

" Don't kill him. I'm too young to be a widow, " the Yankson girl said just before I stood up.
" You're not even married, " I replied as I made my way to the entrance of the mancave. I climbed up the stairs and got back into the halls. I saw a figure turn the conner just as I made my way into the corridor. I chased after the person. Knowing it must be Ricky. I chased about a mile outside the house and into the gardens. I chased him all the six miles past the gardens to the gates. He quickly slid his "key" into the slot and was out. You see, Ricky is one of the few people with the special "key"  into the house that's not a McCarthy. I also slid my "key"  which was really a card into the slot and was out. I saw Ricky panting by the wall. As soon as his gaze met mine, he darted across the street. Well would have tried to dart across the street and gotten hit by a truck had I not quickly pulled him. I wish that was the case, but the truck stopped right in front of Ricky. I crossed the street to see if my idiot (stress idiot) friend was alright.

"You alright? " I asked.

" Uh yeah yeah, " he said a bit dazed. The truck that had nearly killed the boy belonged to one of those moving companies. And a car had stopped right behind it. Men stepped down from the truck and began unloading boxes and taking them into the normal sized house we were standing in front of. We could hear a woman telling them where to place the boxes. They seemed totally unaware of the calamity they had nearly caused.

"Looks like you have new neighbors, "Ricky noted. I was about to reply when a blonde girl interrupted me.

" Hi. I'm Julie. Julianna Crapsey. Nice to meet you. I gather you're our neighbors. If not, what are you doing on our property? Why is the black guy having dread locks? How come he's wearing grey? And why- "

" Shut the hell up! " I interrupted annoyed." I'm Andrew. Patrick Andrew McCarthy. And this is Ricky. Alber-"

"Ricky Long, " Ricky cut me off giving me daggers. The blonde girl, though, had disappeared. Strange.

" Help me with these boxes, young men, " an older looking version of Julianna Crapsey said. I took a few boxes, and so did Ricky. We were directed yo place them in a corner in the house, which was still quite bare. We walked outside only to be given more boxes. This cycle went on for hours. It was about an hour past dinnertime when we were done.

"Say, Ricky, why hasn't your girlfriend come looking for us? It's been hours since we left her in the mancave. "

" I don't know, " Ricky replied honestly." I'm just hungry and tired. Mostly hungry. "

" Oh you can stay and have dinner with us, or you can go home, " the older Crapsey said. Wow. These people really know how to pop into conversations." Say, I never did ask your names. "

" I'm Ricky Longfellow. "

" And I'm Andy. Andy McCarthy. " the woman's jaw dropped. She had an expression of horror on her face.

" As in multi billionaire McCarthy? " I nodded."  Julianna Maria Theresa Crapsey! You made me allow a member of the richest family on the planet to carry boxes hours nonstop?! You're so dead. "

" How was I supposed to know he was filthy rich? " Julie countered.

" I don't know. Maybe because his family is in all the magazines you brought along. Or maybe it's because he's wearing six-hundred-dollar shoes? "

" O c'mon. It's not like you noticed it before now. " Julie countered.
" Boys, please not a word of this to his parents. Or else I'm screwed. Roasted. Fudged(she obviously didn't say fudge). Burnt. Cooked. Dead. Soaked.—"

"We get it! "Ricky interrupted this time." No one shall hear of this. "

" Thanks. Or else I would be—"

"We're leaving. " I said before the older woman could begin again. Ricky and I got out of there as fast as out legs would carry us, across the street, and back into the basilica as the  McCarthy home was called.

    As Ricky and I were having our late dinner, mom came home from work. "We have new neighbors,"  she began. But Ricky and I were going to hear no more of it.

"NO! " we both said together." We're definitely not going back there. "

" But I—" Mom tried again.

"End of discussion. " Ricky and I said together again.

A/n: so 1000 words yay. Why I wrote this, I don't know. I just like leaving random notes at the end of my chapters. See ya next chapter.







Dream of me. If you're female of course.


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