Chapter twenty-seven

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Chapter twenty seven.

I spent the morning waiting, and waiting, for something, anything, a letter, a call, even every time someone walked up to me, I thought they were going to tell me something, news about mum. It's all I could dream about, all I could think about.

I ate breakfast normally, and lunch, but it was weird, because normally I'd see Cordelia around the home, we'd smile at each other, and she'd randomly come up to me and speak to me. I assumed Ethel was up in her office, doing boring stuff, being dull and strict. Or maybe making a little boy cry somewhere.

I did see Carrie around, but whenever I smiled at her, she turned away, or when I was going to go up to her, she'd walk away. I wasn't quite sure what I did wrong, I can't even remember our chat last night I was half asleep.

'Timothy?' One of the boys came up to me.

'Yeah?!' I said excitedly.

'Ethel wants you in her office.' He said.

'Oh. Why?' I asked.

'I dunno, but she want's to see you now.' He said.

'Okay, thanks.' I said, wondering upstairs.

I peered into Ethel's office, thinking she was going to tell me off for yesterday or something.

'I can see you, come inside.' She said.

I wondered inside nervously.

'What's this about?' I asked.

'Close the door.' She said.

I closed the door slowly, and sat down in the chair opposite Ethel. I stared at her, silently, waiting for her to speak first.

'So, we got a call this morning. I don't really have any way to say this, but your birth mother wants to appeal for you to live with her again.' Ethel said with a straight face.

I couldn't help but smile.

'Okay.' I said, waiting to hear more.

'She's set a hearing date, and she pushed it for tomorrow. Now i understand this is a big thing for you, but all I need to know is do you want to go?' Ethel said.

'Yeah, of course I do.' I said.

'That's sorted then, be ready for 8:15am, someone will take you, I don't know who yet.' She said, putting her glasses on.

'Okay perfect.' I said.

Ethel started signing some papers without saying a word.

'So, is that it?' I asked, waiting to get up.

'Yep.' She said without even looking at me.

'Alright, well, thanks.' I said slowly leaving the room.

I went back downstairs, feeling happy and excited, I was so relieved my mum actually kept to her word and got the hearing, and so quick awel, it was amazing. I did want to find Cordelia though, I still felt bad for disappearing on her when she left all that food for me, and I needed to tell her about the hearing tomorrow.

'Hey, have you seen Cordelia?' I asked one of the boys.

'Urm, no sorry.' He said.

I kept searching around the house, asking numerous people.

'Have you seen Cordelia?' I asked another boy who was walking past.

'Oh, yeah, I think she's with those inspectors.' He said.

'What inspectors?' I asked.

'Those people who are inspecting the home today, I dunno what they're actually doing, but I think Cordelia's with them, they were in the dinner hall last time I checked.' He said.

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