Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

'I'm going to start preparing dinner.' Cordelia sat up with both hands on her legs, and sprung up off the bed.

'What's it tonight?' I also sat up, trying to take my mind of other things by trying to think about food.

'I'm thinking a roast, for all the girls and boys, I think we need some uplift in this place.' Cordelia said.

'I know Ethel is is a tough nut, but staying in might not be all bad. You could play games with the boys, explore the place, I don't think you've seen half of it.' Cordelia said looking around at the ceilings with hand painted art on.

'I guess. I'll wonder about, might have a nap first though, I'm tired.' I tried to say whilst giving a big yawn.

'I'd say I'll let you know when dinners ready, but you'll smell it.' Cordelia winked at me.

She walked out the room and headed to the dinner hall, as soon as her right foot left the doorway I slumped back onto the floor and pulled the documents out. So many things ran through my head all at once.

'Go look for your parents.'

'You could finally meet your mum.'

'You know she's innocent, you know it.'

'Maybe seeing you will make her better, you could save her, you could save your family.'

I got up off the floor and grabbed my backpack. I unzipped the mouth and stuffed the documents inside. I dumped my back on my bed and leant over and opened my draws. A fresh pair of clothes, some socks, and, I just needed a water bottle. I grabbed my chunky brown jacket and zipped it up, and plonked the backpack on my back. I looked around, not sure why as I was sure I was doing this. Hardly anybody was in the bedroom. I fast walked all the way to the dinner hall, and spotted a few bottles of unopened water in the back, sitting on a tray ready to be poured out. I slyly took two bottles and stuffed them into my back and ran out of the hall.

'I can't believe I'm doing this.' I said whispering out loud to myself. I took a deep, anxious breath in, and turned the front doors handle slowly, whilst looking over my shoulder. I spotted Cordelia in the kitchen coming into view, so I opened the door gently and walked out, being as light footed as possible.

I took the backpack off whilst I walked down the road towards the antique shop. I unzipped the bag and pulled out the documents, trying not to drop anything. I started to find the documents with the information about my parents on, and started scamming down the page on where to find them. My eyes stopped on one particular part.

'26 Jayni Court.' I had to get there. I popped the files back into my bag, a bit crumpled up, and continued walking down the long road. I rubbed my two hands together to try and create some heat, although I could see my breathe in the air, I tried to concentrate on my mum instead of the icy weather I had to travel in. A few beautiful birds flew from building to building, preparing for the cold night ahead. More birds joint them and they all flew off together.

I looked down the street and in the blurry distance was a bus stop. I jogged to the stop, heart beating a lot faster from the anxiety I was getting. I hoped for the bus driver to help me with where I wanted to go. A bus time table was stuck unneatly on the stop. I ran my cold finger down the table and realised one bus was due. I sat on the unloved bench and clutched my bag, hugging it like it was a teddy bear. Gentle footsteps approached the bus stop, as I turned my head to my right, an elderly woman stood, smiling at me, dressed in beautifully knitted garments.

We both smiled and acknowledged each other and I turned my head back around.

'Do you know when the bus is due love?' She said in a croaky yet sweet and humble tone.

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