Linctavia ~ My Little Warrior Princess

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  Sweat dripped down my forehead; it had been a long day and with the arrival of the Sky People we were doing double the training hours and with my body still weak from the time I had spent with them, my opponents had managed to get in more kicks and punches than usual and now that the adrenaline was gone I was really starting to feel the hits.
  Making my way to the cave I realised that the sun was beginning to set and Octavia would be coming soon. I missed her during the days. It was like she was in me, I was infected by Octavia Blake and every waking thought that wasn't purely based on survival was based on her. My little warrior princess.
  Not that she was a warrior yet but she will be, when I'm done with her. She can't be left defenceless, not in a world like this. Although she probably would kill me if she heard me call her princess. That name was reserved for pissing off Clarke.
  Finally I felt the coolness of the cave soothed my aching body as I shrugged off my shirt and dropped my pack.
  Lighting a torch I turned to see Octavia laying sprawled across my pile of blankets in the corner, a peaceful look on her face as she snores softly. She could've been just your average girl, sleeping soundly. If you didn't notice the dried blood covering her face, the jagged tears in her clothes and the way that, even in her slumber, she gripped the knife in her hand so hard her knuckles turned white.
  My footfalls were almost silent as I made my way over to her, setting the torch in the bracket in the wall before bending down and pushing back her hair to find a gash that ran down all the way, just above her jawline, guess they've been training today as well.
  Without making a sound I grabbed a cloth from the table and began to wipe away the dried blood. Gradually more and more of her face was visible as I continued to clean her face. I remember the first time I saw her, I had been scouting out the Sky People's terrain when I saw her, covered in butterflies. I remember how radiant the happiness on her face made her and the way she seemed to glow like a precious gem. The moment of admiration was soon trampled when she turned to lock lips with the man behind her.
  The next time I saw her they were putting the finishing touches on their wall. Not like it would've kept even the children of our clan out. She had been just as beautiful then, if not more so, with her finally eating more then scraps and her body having developed some muscle. I watched as she stole the goggles from the boy Nieka had speared and scurried up a tree, knowing full well he couldn't follow but daring him to anyway. Her laugh had carried like wind chimes on the breeze, the most carefree sound he had heard in a long time which was ironic considering he could've killed her with a flick of his wrist. Not that he ever would, there wasn't enough beauty in the world for him to be destroying it at will.
Then the next time I was saving her life, which was sort of funny, considering she was the one pulling him out of the darkness. It was like the Gods had finally given me a second chance after I had let the first man from Skaikru die and the decision to not let her die turned out to be the best I ever made.
She shifted slightly and murmured something incoherent,though by the way her face kept flinching her dreams were not pleasant.
Finally I had managed to get all of the blood off of her bruised, scabby face and she was back to being the pale faced, strong willed woman he had fallen in love with, what seemed like forever ago.
Smiling to himself he began sectioning her hair and braiding it back, knowing from his younger days that fighting with your hair flying around everywhere was pointless and often caused distraction and I sure as hell didn't want her getting any more beat up back at their dropship. And besides, she couldn't braid properly and her hair was so soft, not yet damaged by the harsh ways of the ground.
I sit like this, playing around with the braids in her hair, until the moon is high in the sky and the torch is beginning to die down. She keeps twitching and fidgeting, obviously still stuck in her dream and I wish I knew what it was about. I know how strong the love is between us but I wish I truly understood her. Her childhood, her culture, her life as one of the Skaikru , she was trying so hard to learn about my culture, my people, even beginning to learn my language. Although I was taught hers before she was even born, the fates did well with my pairing.
I make a promise, to learn all I can about her life, to understand how she was raised and the community she lived in.
Suddenly she tosses her head back and kicks with her legs, her arm slashing the air with her knife. The most heart wrenching scream tore from her mouth as her face contorted in agony. I leant back, avoiding her knife until the sound of her whimpering broke me from my stupor.
Reaching out, I took the knife from her hand and grasped her shoulders shaking her, grimacing as her head lolled back but it worked as she gasped, emerging from her nightmare.
"No!NO! Don't kill them! Stop it, they're innocent! No! NO! LINCOLN!" Her chest was heaving and sobs wracked her body.
"Hey, hey, hey. Shh, shhh. It's okay, O, you're alright. It's me, you're safe." Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her close, trying to calm her hysterics but to no avail.
"A-Anya she-she killed you. Y-you were dead." Realising she wasn't completely out of her nightmare I began murmuring to her, gentle words of nonsense but it seemed to work as her breathing was slowing.
"O, I'm not dead we're in the cave, it was just a dream, you're safe." Her arms tighten around me like a steel band, her face buried in the crook of my neck, tears staining my shirt. Still mumbling I held her tight, hoping to sloth her with my presence.
She was so strong, she had been one of the ones to dig the graves, made a memorial for Charlotte, helped Clarke attempt to help the unhelpable, never flinching, never letting a single tear slip. And yet here she was, reduced to a shaking, sobbing mess by a single dream and i only hope that those horrors would never be seen to the real world.
My chain of thought was interrupted by the odd sound of silence and I realised she was once again asleep. But I keep my arms around her, hoping to guard her from her nightmares and the danglers of the world.

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