Bellarke ~ Lightning Storm

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Thunder ripped through the valley as black clouds loomed over the camp. They had always been there, lurking on the horizon but the strong winds had sent them speeding East and now they were alive, throwing lightning down into the valley.
It had never rained like this before, not since the 100 had landed and though it was chaotic and dangerousBellamy found it oddly calming. After all, the place he called home was a society run by teenagers so he was used to a little chaos.
Another groan of thunder rumbled overhead as his gaze was drawn from Harper and Monty carting dry firewood into a tent to curly blonde hair disappearing into the trees.
Realising those unruly curls belonged to Clarke he followed, wondering why she was leaving camp alone, much less in a storm. In fact, for Clarke to do anything beyond the wall without Finn or Monty or Jasper was strange. Maybe it was her odd behaviour that sparked his interest, made him worry for her safety.
They had had a really rocky start, with them both being really headstrong and stubborn and both wanting really different things for the camp. At first Bellamy had won, with those initial few days being crazy and borderline dangerous, the teenagers drunk on freedom, but gradually the ideals Clarke, Wells and Monty pushed for came to light as they became a community, a family.
He admired how strongly she took the death of Wells, he was her family, apparently the only real family she had and he had been ripped away from her by the little girl she tried so hard to protect and then she lost Charlotte as well. He found her talking to them sometimes, she had set up a kind a memorial for Charlotte next to Wells' grave, and when she thought no one was looking she snuck off and spent time there, it seemed to calm her, being with her best friend.
His curiosity only intensified as he realised which direction he was headed in. Why would she go to the clearing? She should be taking cover from the storm. Stopping in the centre she glanced back but Bellamy had stayed back in the trees, out of sight. Blonde curls became brown as she just stood there, face turned up to the sky, completely relaxed as the rain beat down on her.
His mouth was agape as he watched in awe but his gaze wasn't drawn to the way her clothes clung to her every cure (though it didn't go unnoticed), it was drawn to her face. Never before had he seen such serenity, such beauty.
Bellamy was seeing Clarke in a new light. Before she was the pampered princess from the elite, the one who he found irritating and far too uptight but she had changed and so had his perspective. Gone was the girl who didn't want the dropship door to open, the girl who had fought against every squabble, who had wanted a stable, peaceful community whilst they waited for the rest of the Ark. Stood before him instead was a strong, independent woman, a leader, who faced danger head on, embraced the freedom of chaos and spat in the face of death.
A laugh sounds from across the clearing and his mind is brought back to the vision in front of him and he watches as Clarke spins, arms reaching towards the sky, hair streaming out behind her as she twirls around and around, giggling without a care in the world, looking so young, so carefree that Bellamy almost didn't recognise the emotion.
It was then that the realisation hit him full force, head on. She was now one of his own, one of people to protect and he never wanted any other emotion to show on her face. He would protect her with his life and fight against anything that dared harm her. His princess.

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