Chapter 2

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Louise's P.O.V

What's that idiot doing? Suddenly barging into my room without notice! And not treating me as a girl. After we've done a mission successfully by only the two of us and saying that he likes me!! Arrggg!!

"Hey, Louise what's with that frowned look?" Saito asked me.

"Nothing! humph" Asking me if I'm okay while he enjoys being pampered by Kirche. It annoys me!

Tabitha handed me a plate with my breakfast.

"Eat. Dewecious" she said while eating a loaf of bread.

"Thanks" I smile and started eating my meal.

"Louise, you better fix that face and attitude of yours. The queen requests our presence today" Kirche said.

"What!!" I nearly spit out my food. "Why didn't you tell me earlier so that I could prepare"

"Well, I just want to see your worried face...tehhe" Kirche teased me. Oh founder, please stop me from punching this cow boob in front of me.

"Are you all ready?" Saito asked the three of us.

"Well...yeah" we said in sync.

"Gotta get going...the castle's a long way to go" Saito said while picking up his sword 'Delflinger'.

"No need to worry. What's the use of someones' familiar here?" Kirche said while looking at Tabitha.

"Please ride on Sylphid" Tabitha offered her dragon sitting obidiently at the garden.

"Thanks for the lift!" I thanked Tabitha and Kirche for going with us.

"Hey come on!" Saito offered me a seat on the dragon's back.

I made myself comfortable.Then off we go to see the queen!

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