Chapter 1

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"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Nino! I have to make an appearance at the orphanage next Saturday and play with all the little kids. I've never did that kind of thing before...They're probably all going to hate me..." I hear Adrien talking to Nino about his issue from in front of me in class. He's so sweet. He really wants to make an effort...*sigh* He has a heart of gold... Actually no, his heart's way more valuable than a piece of metal. His heart's more valuable than anything in fact. It's so valuable that I will probably never have it. (Cries)

"Dude, chill out! You're Adrien Agreste-Paris' most famous model. Who wouldn't like you?" Nino reassures his best friend. What he's saying is very true. Anyone who doesn't like Adrien is the craziest of the crazy. He's that awesome.

I'm taken aback when Alya leans forward and joins their conversation. "Hey, Adrien, my girl Marinette babysits a little girl every week; maybe you could help her out? It might help you get some experience!" A blush immediately finds itself on my face at the idea as Adrien turns to me.

Babysitting...With Adrien?! Oh my gosh, what a dream! Or a nightmare...It depends how stupid I accidentally make myself look in front of him...

Adrien's enthusiastic smile makes my blush deepen. "Wow that'd be really helpful actually! Would you mind, Marinette?" he asks, a hopeful look in his eyes. I can see Alya smirking in victory from the corner of my eye, and I make a mental note to thank her later.

"U-uh, y-yeah! I mean no! I mean o-of course you could help babysit! I'm actually babysitting her t-tonight so if you wanted to come round a-after school, you can," I stutter nervously, looking down. When I look up, Adrien's smile seems to have widened.

"Awesome! Thanks Marinette! Is 4 okay to come over?"


"Cool,I guess I'll see you later on then?" he says as the end of class bell sounds. I give him an awkward thumbs up, getting out of my seat. My legs honestly feel like jelly. I could die right now!

As soon as Adrien and Nino are out of sight, I attack Alya in a hug.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!" I shout, beaming into her shoulder. I can hear her chuckle as she pats my back.

"No problem girl! You better give me all the deets later though, got it? And you owe me by the way too!"




I go up Marinette's stairs to her room after greeting her parents, poking my head though the open space at the last step and see Marinette and the girl playing with some dolls.

"Hello M'lady, you're looking purrr-fect this fine afternoon," Marinette imitates as she shakes a cat noir doll around. She then picks up a ladybug doll and voice it. "Cat Noir, this is not a good time to be making cat jokes! There's an akuma attack going on!" The little girl laughs, causing a smile to appear on Marinette's face. Wow, she's amazing at imitating mine and Ladybug's conversations! She must be a huge fan to have captured our nature of conversation so well.

"Sorry M'lady...I guess my puns do have un-fur-tunate timing-"

I cough lightly, thinking it would be weird if I just stood here and watched all day, while also taking a mental note of that last pun. Their heads shoot to me and I notice Marinette's face going slightly red as she does.

"A-Adrien! S-sorry I-I didn't um hear you come up! Come s-sit with us," she says, patting the space on the floor next to her. I walk over to them, sitting in the space.

"Oh! Manon, this is Adrien. You two have met before. He's going to play with us today!"

"Hi, Manon. Nice to meet you again," I smile warmly, in hopes that she'll like me. I'm relieved when she smiles back.

" you wanna play dolls with us? I'm playing with Ladybug now because I wanna win. You can be Cat Noir!" she squeals excitedly. She's quite adorable - not as adorable as the real ladybug but adorable nevertheless. This is turning out to be alright.

"I'd love to!" I grin, accepting the Cat Noir doll Marinette gives to me.

As I hold the doll in my hands, a sense of familiarity comes to me and I remember when she told me, (or rather Cat Noir) that she made these herself. It's through this memory that I'm reminded of how unbelievably talented she is.

She's sure going to make a guy lucky one day.


Sooo that was the first chapter!

I'm really sorry it's pretty short - I'll try and make the next one longer

And I know we're not fully into the story yet but it'd be great if you guys voted/commented on this chapter to let me know what you thought because votes and comments really motivate me to update! Thank youuu!


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