Chapter 3

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A / N: Just wanted to say how freaking grateful I am for over 80 reads like I know it's not that much when you compare it to other books but I honestly only expected this book to get like 5 so thank you so much for taking The time to read; I truly appreciate it! ily💖

Oh and I know the song linked above/to the side is super random but it's like my favorite song ever and it's what I was listening to when I wrote this chapter :)


I'm dead.

1 hour ago I found out that Ladybug may or may not like me in my civilian form. I'm taking it really well I think, considering how much I love her. I haven't freaked out to the extreme and I feel completely ready to see my true love on patrol tonight ...

"Adrien, stop screaming into your pillow. Do something useful with you life like getting me some cheese. Cheese helps make situations less extreme," Plagg boredly whines from beside me.

Okay, so maybe everything I said was a complete lie. I'm not put together. And I'm not ready to face M'lady at patrol. But I'm the happiest guy alive right now, that's for sure! "Plagg, you still do not know anything about love. Ladybug likes me! This is huge! How can you possibly expect me to stop freaking out?"

"By getting me some Camembert? Come on Adrien, I'm starving!"

Realizing that Plagg is not going to understand, I sigh and point to a small box in the corner of my room. "There's a whole wheel in that box. Don't puke on any of my stuff when you're done," I mumble, uninterested in the topic of cheese. Plagg is way too obsessed with Camembert for his own good. I bet if it came down between choosing between cheese or me, he would have chosen the first option.

It's soooo great having a supportive and loyal Kwami who cares about you ...

His squeal of delight alerts me that he's in the box feasting on the cheese already. At least he can stop pestering me for it now. At last I can be left alone to scream into my pillow with no whining disrupting me from doing so.

As I let my face squish against the fluffy pillows on my face, I remind myself of who told me Ladybug likes me. Marinette.

I still can't get over the fact that she's friends with Ladybug. Or the fact that she has managed to stay friends with her long enough for Ladybug to tell her all about her life without knowing who lies under the mask. I wish she was close enough to me to do the same.

At first when Marinette told me about her I was skeptical because I did go through Lila telling me about how Ladybug and her also became friends in the same way. And Marinette and Ladybug are completely different people. Then I recognized that Marinette knew about my alter ego making puns and that Ladybug came to my house. I don't really have time to make puns during public appearances so only Ladybug or the occasional random stranger has had the pleasure of hearing my puns.

But getting back to the point of Marinette, I'll definitely have to ask her more about Ladybug.

After all, it's always useful to get to know your future wife better.


I've spent 1 and a half hours doing absolutely nothing. I know, it's extremely rare because I'm always busy but the thoughts circulating my head for this passing of time has made me feel busier than ever. At this point I don't even feel fully conscious-like I'm in a dream.

"Kid, it's 10pm; time for you to meet up with Ladybug for patrol," Plagg pulls me out of my thoughts and my eyes almost drop out of my sockets.

"Oh no! Plagg, I'm not ready! I don't know how to talk to her now, knowing that she likes me!"I panic, jumping out of bed and running a shaky hand through my hair.

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