Chapter 25

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"Oh, so it's official then? You're my girlfriend? Oh my gosh, I can't believe this is real! What, um, what do we do now?" I sheepishly ask Marinette.

This might be hard to believe since I'm a model and the biggest flirt ever as a superhero, but I've never had a girlfriend before. So I have no idea what I'm doing right now.

What happens when people become official? Do they just attack eachother in a big hug, do they kiss eachother on the cheeks, do they just stare at eachother all day...WHAT DO THEY DO?

Marinette shrugs. "I guess we hug?" she questions, slowly leaning over to hug me. I nod and do the same

"I can't watch," Plagg suddenly cries out from the corner of the bedroom, interrupting our almost-hug. "You're both such amateurs, it's like I'm living with a complete child!"

My jaw clenches. Is he serious right now? "Wow, are you really saying I'm the childish one in the room right now? If I remember right, you're the one who's too childish to realise you have a major crush on Marinette's kwam-" He flies right in front of my face, waving his tiny hands about to stop me.

"My only crush is Camembert cheese!" he defiantly interjects. I scoff at his lame denial.

"Yeah sure. Is that why I heard you mumbling 'Tikki' in your sleep last night?" His jaw drops at my words and he looks around him in embarrassment.

"Hm, I see you also have bad hearing to add to your endless list of problems because I was actually mumbling 'Taleggio'-one of my favourite cheese types..." I raise an eyebrow. Taleggio? How did he even come up with that on the spot?

"Oh really? So you have sleep super powers where you know what's going on even when you're dreaming?" I retort, enjoying Plagg's embarrassment. It's usually him mocking me, so it's fun to have the tables turned.

"I mean I am a magical being that gives you the ability to transform into a super hero cat, so why not?"

I tilt my head to the side. He's really not going to give in and just accept his humiliation, is he? It's funny how he's lazy with everything apart from defending his honour.


"Are you two done?" Marinette suddenly asks from beside me. I turn to her to find her arms folded and a bored look on her face. "Because you're making Tikki blush," she points to the corner of the room at her red kwami.

How can she blush if she's red though?

Never mind.

"Sorry Marinette," I apologise sheepishly. "Instead of just that hug we were about to do before we got rudely interrupted, how about we do something better?"

She looks at me, confused. "What like?"

I grin at her, knowing the best first thing we could do as a couple. "How about a reverses Ladybug and Cat Noir role-play?!" I excitedly suggest, clapping my hands together. Oh my gosh, that would be the best thing ever; seeing m'lady in a cat suit!

Marinette raises her eyebrows. "Role-play? Don't you think that's a bit-"

I can sense her doubt in my suggestion, so before she can say no, I push my bottom lip out and take her hand in mine. "Please?"

An exasperated sigh leaves her lips. "Fine. Let me go get my cat suit..."

I gasp. What am I hearing right now? Marinette has her own cat suit? Is this real? How come she never told me about this?! "You have a cat suit?!"

She nervously laughs as she takes a black outfit from her wardrobe. "Yeah...But hey! You have a Ladybug one too right? Speaking of which, you should probably go home and get it!" she ushers, gesturing for me to leave.

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