Chapter 21

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"Sooo...I don't think we've done anything like this before..." I trail off, trying to break the overwhelming silence.

Ladybug nods, folding her arms. "'" she mumbles, her eyes failing to meet mine.

When I suggested we hung out earlier, this really wasn't what I expected. I thought that since everything has been cleared up between us we'd be talking about pointless things and laughing about them and just generally having a good time.

But no.

The tension between us is so thick and it's beginning to remind me of someone who's also been tense with me just lately.

"So, um...You said earlier that you really like Marinette right?" Ladybug cuts off the silence with a subject that I'm not sure I want to discuss with her at the moment.

I nod, feebly.

"How did you two meet?" she asks, suddenly gaining the confidence to meet my gaze with her burning one. It's quite intimidating actually.

"Wow, m'la-Ladybug. Who's being the sneaky kitty now?" I wink at her, after quoting her very words from back when I thought Chloe was Ladybug.

"I'm not! I'm just curious, is all. See, I happen to know Marinette pretty well and she hasn't mentioned you very often," she retorts, a defiant look on her face.

"Well didn't you know that curiosity killed the cat?" I smirk, watching her grow irritated with me and roll her eyes.

"Well good thing I'm not a cat then, right? Anyway, I don't see why you won't just tell me how you two met?"

"Don't you think my love life is a bit purrsonal? How would you like it if I asked all about yours, huh? Who's your mystery boyfriend?" I interrogate her back, slightly curious at the same time to know who she's moved onto after liking my civilian self.

"I have no problem telling you that! He's not my boyfriend but things up until recently were going really well with Adrien-the guy I was telling you about that one time."

My whole body freezes.

How could things have been going well between me and Ladybug? Her and 'Adrien' only saw each other for the first time in a while today! She's making no sense!

"What do you mean? I only just saw you today! We haven't been hanging out?" I blurt out, completely unaware of what I'm confessing to for a moment. And then I realise.

"Wha-what do you mean? I'm talking about Adrien! Not you," she sighs, somehow oblivious to my major slip up.

I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. "O-Oh...Yeah...Sure...I should've known that, hehe..."

She rolls her eyes again. "Anyway, I've told you what you wanted to hear. Now tell me: how did you and Marinette meet?" Her eyes narrow. She really doesn't give up does she? Besides, why is she so invested in my love life? It's not like she has the right to be like that. She's never liked me in that way after all.

Or has she?

"Ladybug, is this about what I think it's about?" I ask, concernedly stopping in my tracks and gently uncrossing her arms.

Her previously narrowed eyes widen. "W-What? What are y-you talking about? I'm just curious!" Ladybug protests, confusion written all over her face at the same time.

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